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In a while, our meal being ended, Penfeather rose: "As to arms, Martin, ha' ye aught beside your knife?" "My staff and this pistol," says I, taking out the silver-mounted weapon my lady Brandon had thrust upon me. "Is't loaded, Martin?" I examined charge and priming and nodded. "Good!" says Adam, "Here's five shot betwixt us, that should suffice. Up wi' the trap, Jo, and we'll out."

'Penfeather! he groans, 'my treasure hidden dagger So I left them lying and coming to the seaboard sat there a great while watching the break o' the seas on what was left o' the wreck, yet seeing it not. I sat there till noon, Martin, until, driven by thirst and hunger and heat of sun, I set off to seek their habitation, for by their looks I judged them well-fed and housed.

"Now first, Marty lad, how come ye here alone on Bartlemy's island how?" But sitting thus chin on fist I stared down at Red Andy's stiffening body silent as he, I being too full of fierce anger and bitter scorn of my folly for speech. "Come, come, Marty, be sociable!" says Tressady, tapping my cheek with the pistol-muzzle, "Was it Penfeather sent ye hither t' give an eye to the treasure? Was it?"

Here's me on my watch and no thought o' harm, and suddenly out o' nowhere he takes him and grips me from behind and would ha' murdered me as he murdered t'others!" "Ha!" cried Sir Rupert, "The man reeks blood, observe, Master Penfeather, and here's grave charge beside!"

"'Captain Penfeather, says he, 'Your most dutiful, humble ha, let me parish but here is curst reek o' tar! with which, Martin, he claps a jewelled pomander to the delicate nose of him.

"What now, comrade?" says Penfeather. "Sink me, what now?" "Watch and see!"

"Strange!" quoth Penfeather, and thereafter sat staring gloomily down into the rippling waters of the brook for a while. "I wonder?" says he at last. "I wonder?" "What think ye shall bring these fellows so far from the coast what should they be after?" "Me, shipmate!" "You!" says I for the second time, marvelling at the strange quiet of him. "And what would they have of you?"

"Will this be our Adam Penfeather, Martin?" "Indeed," says I, "there is methinks but one Adam Penfeather in this world, the which is just as well, mayhap." "Then he murdered this poor man?" "Why the fellow had this hatchet in his fist, it hath lain rusting in his grasp all these years, methinks his blow came something too late! Though he must be mighty quick who'd outmatch Penfeather, I guess.

The night air struck chill through my damp garments, but now, stretched in the comfort of the fire, there grew within me a great wonder at our miraculous deliverance; and this led me to ponder upon our present situation, cast thus destitute upon this lonely island where, devoid of every comfort and necessity, we must needs live in barbarous fashion as best we might until either Penfeather should come to our relief or we be taken off by some chance vessel.

"God-be-here Jenkins am I, master," said Godby, "and well beknown to Joel Bym as keepeth this house, strangle me else ask Joel! And if you're Master Penfeather I've first, this here for ye, and second, a warning." And speaking, Godby drew a letter from the breast of his leathern jerkin. "A warning?" says Penfeather, glancing at the superscription, "Against whom?"