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I must behold him suffer as I suffered, hear his groans, see his tears I that do grieve a father untimely dead, I that have endured at this man's will a thousand shames and torment beyond telling! But on the voyage mutiny broke out, headed by that evil rogue, Tressady. Then was I tricked and cast adrift in an open boat by Adam Penfeather, the master " "Penfeather, young sir, Adam Penfeather!

"Drink battle, murder, shipwreck and hell-fire to Adam Penfeather, with a curse! Here's us safe and snug in a good stout ship yonder, here's us all love and good-fellowship, merry as grigs, happy as piping birds, here's luck and long life to each and all on us." "Long life!" said Joanna, frowning. "'Tis folly I weary of it already!"

As for me, shipmate, I shall scarce close an eye till we be clear o' the Downs, so 'tis a care-full man I shall be this next two days, heigho! So good-night, Martin, I'll send Godby below with all you lack." Saying which Penfeather turned, and groping his way into the darkness, left me scowling at the flickering lanthorn.

"O Martin!" says she, shivering, "and I slept within touch of it!" "But you slept very well and he, poor soul, is long past harming you or any." So saying I smoothed out the crackling parchment and holding it in her view, saw this writ very bold and clear: "Benjamin Galbally Slain of necessity June 20, 1642 This for a sign to like Rogues. "Adam Penfeather."

"Who!" cried I and, dropping my gun, I caught him by his ragged sleeve, whereupon he grinned foolishly, then as suddenly scowled and wrenched free. "Speak, man!" said I in passionate pleading. "Is it Sir Adam Penfeather you mean Captain Penfeather?" "Maybe I do an' maybe I don't, so all's one!" said he.

"Hand, shipmate," says Penfeather softly, "would it be a right hand ha?" "It was!" I nodded. "The mark of a great right hand." "Aye, aye!" says Adam, pinching his chin. "A right hand, Martin. And where was the mark, d'ye say?" "Beneath my bed." "Bed, Martin your bed!" Here he caught his breath and rose up and stood looking down at me betwixt narrowed lids and a-pinching at his square chin.

"And so," said I, when he had shortened sail and was seated beside me again, "so Captain Penfeather gave you medicine for her?" "Aye, did he!" "And knew you were hid in the boat?" "'Twas himself set us there."

"A comely rogue that sang strange song." "Ah!" said Penfeather, his eyes narrowing. "A song, says you and strange how strange?" "'Twas all of dead men and murder!" "D'ye mind any line o't, shipmate?" "Aye, the words of it went somewhat like this: "'Some on a knife did part wi' life And some a bullet took O! But "

"Blind him for a dog a dog and murderous rogue as shall bite on this hook o' mine yet! A small, thieving rogue is Penfeather " "And the likest man to make an end o' the Brotherhood that ever sailed!" nodded Joanna. "Where lays his course?" "Who knows!" "And what o' Belvedere?" "Dead and damned for rogue and coward!" "Why, then, drink, my bullies," cried Tressady, with a great oath.

Hereupon, I fell into a sudden raging fury, striving so desperately against my bonds that the devilish engine wherein I stood shook and rattled again; but I strove to no purpose, and so presently hung there spent and bruised and breathless whiles Penfeather spun the key on his finger and sighed: "Shipmate," says he, "wherefore irk yourself wi' bonds?