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The close of the session still found Lord Ormersfield so stiff, bent, and suffering, that Louis with some difficulty persuaded him into trying the experiment of foreign baths, and in a few weeks' time they were both established at the Hotel du Grand Monarque at Aix-la-Chapelle.

She often wondered whether she should try to give a hint but Lord Ormersfield seemed to dread leading to the subject, although on all else that interested him he came to her as in old times, and seemed greatly refreshed and softened by her companionship. An old friend and former fellow-minister had proposed spending a night at Ormersfield.

When he had elicited that Louis had been much excited and distressed by the thought of his failings, he burst out, 'Whatever you may think, Lord Ormersfield, no one ever had less on his conscience! 'I am sure of it. 'I know of no one who would have given up his own way again and again without a murmur, only to be called fickle. 'Yes, it has often been so, meekly said Lord Ormersfield.

They were thus free to choose their own course, but Lord Ormersfield urged their remaining at Northwold for the present. He saw Mr. Calcott, who had been exceedingly concerned at the turn affairs had taken, and very far from wishing to depose James, though thinking that he needed an exhortation to take heed to his ways.

He was strong on the present inconveniences, and agreed that it would be a great boon to have a few families brought back, such as were steady, and would not burden the rates; but the few recurred so often as to show that he was afraid of a general migration of Marksedge. Lord Ormersfield thereupon promised that he should be consulted as to the individuals. 'Thank you, my Lord.

I will have no more time wasted. Louis passively moved to the window, where he exclaimed that he saw Aunt Catharine sunning herself in the garden, and must go and help her. 'Did you ever see anything like that? cried Lord Ormersfield, thoroughly moved to displeasure. 'There was at least good-humour, said Mrs. Ponsonby. 'Pardon me, there was almost as much to try his temper as yours.

The grocer followed the Squire; the bookseller was liberal, and had invited the Ramsbotham candidate to dinner. On this alarming symptom, Fitzjocelyn fell upon Richardson, and talked, and talked, and talked, till the solicitor could either bear it no longer, or feared for the Ormersfield agency, and his vote was carried off as a captive. This triumph alarmed Mrs.

The immediate consequence was his marriage with the first pretty girl he met, poorer than himself, and all the Ormersfield interest failed to make his mother angry with him. The cholera of 1832 put an end to poor Henry's desultory life.

If you should ever have any thoughts of rescuing her from him, my approval would not be wanting, and it would be the easiest way of restoring her brother. 'My dear father, if Clara and I were always sister and brother when she was poor, we certainly shall be no more now. Lord Ormersfield mentally execrated Mr. Ponsonby, and felt that he had spoken too soon.

Louis asked for the paper, saying his senses would just serve for the advertisements, but presently he made an exclamation of surprise at beholding, in full progress, the measure which had brought Sir Miles Oakstead to Ormersfield, one of peculiar interest to the Earl. His blank look of wonder amused Mrs. Ponsonby, but seemed somewhat to hurt his father.