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"Shall we go in an' dissuade 'em?" McTurk asked. "I've never had much to do with 'em, but I'll bet my hat Campbell's a funk." "No o! That's oratio directa," said Stalky, shaking his head. "I like oratio obliqua. 'Sides, where'd our moral influence be then? Think o' that!" "Rot! What are you goin' to do?" Beetle turned into Lower Number Nine form-room, next door to the study. "Me?"

APPI ... ORATIO: the speech was known to Cicero, and was one of the oldest monuments of prose composition in Latin extant in his time, see Brut. 61. Plutarch, Pyrrhus 19, gives an account of Appius' speech, which may founded on the original, he mentions it also in his tract commonly called 'an seni sit gerenda res publica', c. 21. For the ablative cf. 19.

I should think so," Challis went on, when they had found firm going again. "The good man would not soil his devoted tongue by any condescension to oratio recta, but I gathered that the child had made light of his divine authority." "Great Cæsar!" ejaculated Lewes; "but that is immense. What did Crashaw do shake him?" "No; he certainly did not lay hands on him at all.

Observe the subj. in the subordinate clauses of the oratio obliqua throughout this chapter. Neve pavescerant. This verb would have been an imperative in the oratio recta, Z. 603, c. Neve is appropriate either to the imp. or the subj. XVI. Instincti, i.e. furore quodam afflati. Dr. For a fuller account of this revolt, see Ann. 14, 31-38; Dio. 62, 1-13. Boudicea.

Were he to use the whole time allotted to him, or even half the time, and then make such an exposition of the criminal as he would delight to do were he to indulge himself with that "perpetua oratio" of which we hear, then the trial would be protracted till the coming of certain public games, during which the courts would not sit.

Curious subterranean influences seem to have been at work to save the Senate from the infamy of restoring Ptolemy. Perhaps Cicero was concerned in this. Ad Quintum Fratrem, ii. 3. "Tito Annio devota et constituta hostia esse videtur." De Haruspicum responsis. Ibid. "Otium cum dignitate." Abridged from the Oratio pro Sextio. "Me germanum asinum fuisse."

I had not been there long when a gentleman, strolling about, passed near me, and observing, perhaps, something Irish or foreign in my garb or countenance, addressed me: 'Sir, you seem studious; I hope you find this a favorable place to pursue it. 'Not very studious, sir; I fear it is the want of society that brings me hither; I am solitary and unknown in this metropolis'; and a passage from Cicero Oratio pro Archia occurring to me, I quoted it; 'Haec studia pronoctant nobiscum, perigrinantur, rusticantur. 'You are a scholar, too, sir, I perceive. 'A piece of one, sir; but I ought still to have been in the college where I had the good fortune to pick up the little I know. A good deal of conversation ensued; I told him part of my history, and he, in return, gave his address in the Temple, desiring me to call soon, from which, to my infinite surprise and gratification, I found that the person who thus seemed to take an interest in my fate was my countryman, and a distinguished ornament of letters.

QUAM ... NEQUEAS: 'and if you cannot practise oratory yourself'. Evidently quam refers to oratio in the widest sense, not to the special style of oratory mentioned in the last sentence. With si nequeas cf. nisi exerceas in 21 with n. SCIPIONI ET LAELIO: 'a Scipio and a Laelius'; i.e.

They cultivated a more guarded and concise style, which might indeed please the critic or the scholar, but was wholly unfitted to instruct or move a promiscuous audience; as was said of one of them, oratio doctis et attente audientibus erat illustris; a multitudine autem et a foro, cui nata eloquentia est, devorabatur.

In all of them there is a certain hard and acrid purism that cloaks in modest phrases an immense contempt for all that lies beyond the writer's own canons of taste. In hac est pura oratio, a phrase of the prologue to The Self-Tormentor, is the implied burden of them all.