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'Ere's y'r cards. That's all. Next! What? Didn't catch it all? Lor! So suppose I must go over it all again. Why don't you listen? Keerless, unprovident people! One'd think these things didn't matter." Their ways to their work lay together for a time. And now they found they could talk. Curiously enough, the worst of their depression seemed over now that they had actually donned the blue.

Their rude meal was prepared in silence, and eaten in silence. Sim Gage felt in his pocket, and drawing out the letter he had received, smoothed out the envelope on the table top. "It's addressed to her, Wid," said he after a time, "and she ain't here." "I don't see why we oughtn't to open it and read it," said Wid. "Some one'd have to anyhow, if she was here, for she couldn't read, herself."

You can only hate those who put you there. You see them taking tea, saying prayers, sleeping in bed, putting on bonnets, walking to church, kneading dough, eating all at once, like the firing of a gun. They're in one world; you're in another." "Why, my goodness, one'd say she'd gone through it herself," ejaculated Mrs. Sumfit, terrified. Dahlia sent her eyes at Rhoda.

Smith leered and spoke derisively, of which speech Columbine heard, "Aw hell!" and "yellow streak," and "no one'd ever," and "son of Bill Belllounds," and "rustlin' stock." Then this scar-faced man drew out a buckskin bag.

"Why can't you see what he is," she exclaimed, "any more than he can, than Julian Mr. Addison, I mean? Any one'd think you was all mad, they would." Doctor Levillier was glad he had admitted the lady of the feathers to his presence. Interest sprang up in him, alive and searching. "Tell me what you mean," he said. "Are you talking about Mr. Cresswell?"

He could think of nothing else, talk of nothing else, till Hootchinoo Bill rose up in anger and disgust. "Gosh darn Dawson, say I!" he cried. "Same here," said Kink Mitchell, with a brightening face. "One'd think something was doin' up there, 'stead of bein' a mere stampede of greenhorns an' tinhorns." But a boat came into view from downstream. It was long and slim.

Well, he came 'round and saw I was feeling pretty tired, so he asked me to knock off for a week and go fishing with him. I did, and it was the hardest work I ever tackled." "Did you get any fish?" "Fish? Whales! You'd no sooner throw your line over than another one'd grab it great, big, heavy fish, and they never gave us a minute's rest.

He had spoken rapidly, with a covert suggestion of fear lest she would rebuke him sharply for what she might regard as an impertinent offer. She surprised him by looking at him calmly, reflectively, and saying: "Yes, you could afford it, couldn't you?" "I'm sure I could. And it's the sort of thing that's done every day. Of course, no one'd know that we had made this little business arrangement.

Martha saw her father's faded felt hat bobbing up over the further abutment, and she flew across the bridge. "Oh, I am so glad to see you!" she said, catching hold of one of his big hands and covering it with both of her small ones, as she danced along beside him. "One'd 'most think I'd been to Ingy," said the man in what would have seemed a gruff voice to some.

A wreath indeed! Any one'd be lucky that kept their hair on their heads in this wind, let alone a wreath! You'll have to go fetch her, my poor boy! I'll not be easy till I see her and Pappy home again! I thought maybe Larry might have come over, but I declare now I'm glad he did not."