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"They CAN run, can't they?" said Norah, who was laughing. "Did you hurt yourself, Murty?" "Only me timper," said the Irishman, grinning. "But 'twas enough to make a man angry to see that little omadhaun dancin' an' flapping his arrums f'r all the world loike a monkey on a stick an' pardon to ye, Miss Norah, but I do be forgettin' he's y'r cousin."

The hat was riddled for him in the same way. "Well, now, that's grand; but I think if the other skirt was tore, they couldn't say a word then." "Why, you omadhaun! haven't you enough of it? Give me the rint. Do you think I have any more powder and ball to be wasting on you, you spalpeen?"

But Spud O'Malley answered soberly as he stared up and out into the blackness of levels he had never seen. "I've helped," he admitted; "I've helped a bit. But it's a divil of a job of navigatin' that's ahead. And that's up to you, Chet Bullard; 'tis no job for an old omadhaun like mesilf!" Chet felt the lift of the Repelling Area as they shot through.

When the meeting of some two thousand people at most has gathered, there is an unlucky fall of rain, advantage of which is taken by a local "omadhaun," or "softy" as they call him in Northern England, to mount the stage and make a speech, which elicits loud shouts of laughter.

"Your wife!" retorted Matty, with a very devil in her eye "Your wife, indeed, you great omadhaun; why, then, had you the brass to think I'd put up with you?" "Arrah, then, why did you marry me?" said Andy, in a pitiful argumentative whine. "Why did I marry you?" retorted Matty "Didn't I know betther than refuse you, when my father said the word when the divil was busy with him?

Didn't you say, you war coming out, that if it was the devil, you'd disparse him?" "You had betther not be mintioning his name, you omadhaun," replied the other; "if I was your age, and hadn't a wife and childre on my hands, it's myself that would trust in God, and go down manfully; but the people are hen-hearted now, besides what they used to be in my time."

Put me down, ye omadhaun, or I'll poke ye in the snout!" he shouted to his bearer who only boomed gently, and stared at the handmaiden, plainly for further instructions. "But, Larry dear!" Lakla was plainly distressed "it will hurt you to walk; and I don't want you to hurt, Larry darlin'!" "Holy shade of St.

Little Omadhaun Pat is pale, hollow-eyed, and thin; but that, his mother says, is 'because he is over-studyin' for his confirmation. The great day is many weeks away, but to me it seems likely that, when the examination comes, Pat will be where he will know more than the priests! Next door lives old Biddy Tuke.

"And when I said that, he looked so pale and so sad that I almost screamed with joy, and I couldn't keep myself from whispering to the man that was next to me: 'And isn't he the stupid omadhaun, not to know that there's an herb growing close to his own door that would give her back her speech if he'd only boil it and give it to her? "'It's the stupid omadhaun he is, said the other man.

Every one about the country knew and liked Mick. He was a bit of an omadhaun, that is to say a simpleton, but quite unlike the shambling idiots of whom every village possessed one, who was a sort of God's fool to the people, till some new legislation locked them all up in the work-houses, poor things!