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"This is what I should call an exclusive private dance," he whispered. "I feel quite mad but delightfully mad!" "We're enchanted. The shades of unnumbered generations of cannibals are watching us from high up on the side of the cliff there." "And I'll bet the cannibal women are saying that we dance too close, and that it was immodest of me to come without my nose-ring."

I went from Greenland to the South Seas one day in search of a laugh, but I failed to find it; indeed I came near doing worse, for in getting into the hoop of a native's nose-ring for a swing just by way of a new sensation I forgot to make myself invisible, and he caught me, thought I was a spider, and would have crushed me, had not a baby put out its little hands in glee to play with me.

Having killed the girl, Tookaram removed her gold head ornament and a gold 'putlee', and also took charge of her 'lota'. Besides these two ornaments Cassi had on her person ear-studs, a nose-ring, some silver toe-rings, two necklaces, a pair of silver anklets and bracelets. Tookaram afterwards tried to remove the silver amulets, the ear-studs, and the nose-ring; but he failed in his attempt.

How the great fish, fastened to a bar by a chain and his nose-ring, pulled, rolled, swerved aside, and thrashed his tail! But all his twistings were of no avail, for the poor sailor lad was soon fastened to his back with a rope of seaweed. Then the creature was released from his chain, given a blow on the side with a whip of shark-skin, and turned into the wilds of the under-waters.

If any one asks after me, you must say that I've gone to the smith about a new nose-ring for the bull." "And mayn't I go with you?" asked Pelle on the verge of tears. "No, you must be good and stay at home for this once. Lasse patted him on the head. "Where are you going then?" "I'm going " Lasse was about to make up a lie about it, but had not the heart to do it. "You mustn't ask me!" he said.

"As she is fond of ornaments, perhaps we had better give her a nose-ring also. I have one somewhere that a Fiji belle once wore; I'll look it up," and, leaving Pokey to Jamie's care, Dr. Alec rose as if to carry out his suggestion in earnest. "Good! good! We'll do it right away!

The woman of the house gave me a love-gift, that I found, playing near the verandah." "And what was the gift, Father Adam?" "A nose-ring for my ayah. Ohe! ohe! Look at that camel with a bag on his nose." A string of loaded camels came cruising round the corner, as a fleet rounds a cape. "Ho, Malik! why does not a camel salaam like an elephant? His neck is long enough," Adam cried.

I think they must have been Persians or Afghans or something. There are not more than five of us living now, but we come regular. I don't know what happened to the Baboos; but the bazar-woman she died after six months of the Gate, and I think Fung-Tching took her bangles and nose-ring for himself. But I'm not certain. The Englishman, he drank as well as smoked, and he dropped off.

But for the rest, the two strange companions moved steadily onward. In an alley of checkered light a buffalo with a wicker nose-ring, and heavy, sagging horns that seemed to jerk his head back in agony, heaved toward them, ridden by a naked yellow infant in a nest-like saddle of green fodder.

Undoubtedly Lily provides the drug and is handsomely paid. I ask you to look at her jewels and her diamond nose-ring. Your aunt refuses to see a doctor, for a doctor would diagnose her case the instant he set eyes on her; she also refuses to quit Rangoon, and why? Because she would be torn away from what is killing her inch by inch and that is cocaine!"