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A peal of ringing laughter followed; for, indeed, I was somewhat non-plussed to thus come upon two such laughing, merry girls. One was dark, the other fair; Both were sweet and debonair.

Tom all good humour and high spirits making the best of every thing never non-plussed never taken aback perfectly at home, whether flirting with a Lady Charlotte in her drawing-room, or crossing a grouse mountain in the highlands sufficiently well read to talk on any ordinary topic and always ready-witted enough to seem more so.

It was obvious then that many of those who saw the Stieglitz photographs, and there were large crowds of them, were non-plussed by the unmistakable authenticity of experience contained in them.

"Suit yourself, Mrs. Watkins," said Mr. Day. "Have you any choice as to which of the two empty bedrooms I consider mine?" the woman asked, heaping her plate a second time with food. "What's that?" asked Mr. Day, rather non-plussed. "Which chamber shall I sleep in?" she repeated, quite calmly. "Why I Really, Mrs.

The sale of the outfit enabled me to pay but a small portion of my indebtedness. I was now stranded, and ready for something else, but was completely non-plussed to know what to do next. Of course I realized by this time that I had a wife, and a "mother-in-law," and it began to look as though there must be some genuine "hus'ling" done.

I was completely non-plussed, and I don't recollect ever having been placed in closer quarters, or in a position where I felt more humiliated. I thought of Albert's draft, and stepping up to him said in a low tone as quickly as possible: "Give me your draft and I'll get it cashed at the Sherman House." He replied that it was in the hotel safe.

Sharpley then directed his interrogations across the sea and much chagrined charged Mr. Tracy with duplicity. But it was the latter who felt the most non-plussed. He cursed Phillip Lawson from the bottom of his heart and hoped that he might live to crush him in the dust. "Fool that I was to listen to his palaver!" cried he, "when I could have contrived some means to silence him most effectually.

From that time forward, however, Vivalla never boasted of his prowess." At the end of February, 1837, they reached Montgomery, and there Barnum sold a half interest in his show to Henry Hawley, a sleight-of-hand performer. He was a very clever fellow and was never known to be non-plussed or embarrassed in his tricks, except upon one occasion.

"'We have met before, I think, said Raffles, coldly, as his eye fell upon Holmes. "'I er do not recall the fact, replied Holmes, meeting the steely stare of the home-comer with one of his own flinty glances. "'H'm! ejaculated Raffles, non-plussed at the other's failure to recognize him. Then he shivered slightly. 'Suppose we go in-doors, it is a trifle chilly out here in the night air.

We'll keep a sharp watch and when any man, no matter what his dress or appearance comes up these stairs and turns that way, give him a sharp look. You understand?" "Yes; but-" "Oh, he hasn't come in yet. I took pains to find that out. You saw me go into the court and look up. That was to see if his window was lighted. Well, it wasn't." George felt non-plussed.