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"To-night if I can find him. It ain't so late. But to-morrow, anyway." "I'll give you till sundown to-morrow night. If you ain't ready to tell me then you'll have to drift." "Maybe, maybe not," sneered Bull. "I've said it," Racey said, shortly, rising to his feet. "There's no ropes on you. Skip.... Nemmine yore Winchester. She's all right where she is. So long, Bull, so long."

At which the three laughed loudly. "I hope," Racey whispered in Rack's rather grimy left ear, "I hope you heard all those fellers said. Proves I was right, don't it? Nemmine nodding yore head more'n once. Hold still. Yo're doin' fine. Yep, I'm shore glad we stood here a-listenin' like we have. Makes me feel a heap easier in my mind about you. Otherwise I might always have had a doubt I did right.

"No, he hain't," Tom says; "it's all there yet six thousand dollars and more; and your pap hain't ever been back since. Hadn't when I come away, anyhow." Jim says, kind of solemn: "He ain't a-comin' back no mo', Huck." I says: "Why, Jim?" "Nemmine why, Huck but he ain't comin' back no mo."

Dat's my opinion, anyways. But nemmine 'bout dat. When I seed dat man I 'uz dat sk'yerd dat I could sca'cely wobble home. Den I give a nigger man a dollar for dese clo'es, en I ain't be'in in a house sence, night ner day, till now.

"You kicked me after you'd knocked me silly with that bottle. Kicked me when I was down and couldn't help myself." "So I did all that to you after you were down, huh? Who told you?" "Nemmine who told me. You done it, that's enough." "No, it ain't enough. It ain't enough by a long mile. I want to know who told you?" "I ain't sayin'." Sullenly. "Come to think, she's hardly necessary.

You despised me all de time, en was al'ays sayin' mean hard things to me befo' folks, en wouldn't ever let me forgit I's a nigger en en " She fell to sobbing, and broke down. Tom said: "But you know I didn't know you were my mother; and besides " "Well, nemmine 'bout dat, now; let it go. I's gwine to fo'git it."

W'at'll you gimme fer dat nigger baby? "'I doan want de baby, sez de yuther man. 'I ain' got no use fer de baby. "'I tell yer w'at I'll do, 'lows Kunnel Pen'leton, 'I'll th'ow dat pickaninny in fer good measure. "But de yuther man shuck his head. 'No, sezee, 'I's much erbleedzd, but I doan raise niggers; I raises hosses, en I doan wanter be both'rin' wid no nigger babies. Nemmine de baby.

All she say when I ast her: 'Nemmine! she say, dess thataway. 'Nemmine! she say. I reckon she ain't goin' tell nobody who give her this dog." "He's certainly a mighty queer-lookin' dog," said Herbert. "I've seen a few like that, but I can't remember where. What kind is he, Kitty Silver?" "Miss Julia tell me he a poogle dog."

"Lookit here, Bull, if you hadn't locked the door leading up the stairs to the Starlight's loft, I'd 'a' come after you there and done my persuadin' of you right in the loft. As it was when I heard what you were up to nemmine how I heard. I heard, that's enough I had to go out in the street and do what I could there. I don't believe the feller liked it much, neither." "But what's he to you?

If you ask me to go and see what time it is again, Herman, I'm a-goin' to take back about askin' mamma at five o'clock, and THEN where'll you be?" "Well, it seem like mighty long aft'noon to me," Herman sighed. "I jes' like to know what time it is gettin' to be now!" "Look out!" Penrod warned him. "You heard what I was just tellin' you about how I'd take back " "Nemmine," Herman said hurriedly.