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Th' raypublicans come up an' they choose th' 'we commind' principles, an' they was nawthin' left f'r the dimmycrats but th' 'we denounce an' deplores. I dinnaw how it come about, but th' dimmycrats didn't like th' way th' thing shtud, an' so they fixed it up between thim that whichiver won at th' iliction shud commind an' congratulate, an' thim that lost shud denounce an' deplore.

He turned with a sardonic grin to Lightfoot, who had already been reduced to a state of silence by the relentless persecutions of the rodéo boss. "I never said nawthin'," replied Lightfoot sullenly. "But if you'd've gone at 'em the way we wanted to," he blurted out, as the grin broadened, "instead of tryin' to move the whole outfit by daylight, I'd've stayed with you till hell froze over.

"To what parish do you belong?" asked the clergyman. "Don't know nawthin' 'bout enny parish," was the answer. "Well, then," continued the clergyman, "what diocese do you belong to?" "They ain't nawthin' like that 'round here," said the farmer. "Who confirmed you, then?" was the next question. "Nobody," answered the farmer. "Then how are you an Episcopalian?" asked the clergyman.

"Fine for them," said Tam sarcastically, "they've nawthin' to do but be oot or in A've no patience wi' the stars puir silly bodies winkin' an' blinkin' an' doin' nae guid to mon or beastie chuck me ma breeches an' let the warm watter rin in the bath." In the gray light of dawn the reliefs stood on the ground, waiting for the word "go."

"The other man?" he asked brusquely. "Has he gone aboard? Or is this the first trip to-night?" One of the watermen nodded assent to the latter question, adding gruffly: "Seen nawthin' of 'im, sir." "Very good," said Calendar, as if he doubted whether it were very good or bad. "We'll wait a bit." "Right-o!" agreed the waterman civilly.

Brady and make her let his things alone: "Good friend for Iesus sake forbeare To digg ye dust encloased heare Bleste be ye man yt spares the stones And curst be he yt moves my bones." "Wait, my good Mrs. Brady! What is that you are throwing away?" "Nawthin' but a bit o' blue paaperr, Profissorr. To be shure there's a schrap o' writin' on the back.

I say 'tis diff'rent with Willum Waldorf Asthor. His orig-inal sin was bein' bor-rn in New York. He cudden't do anything about it. Nawthin' in this counthry wud wipe it out. He built a hotel intinded f'r jooks who had no sins but thim iv their own makin', but even th' sight iv their haughty bills cud not efface th' stain.

But he stood for a minute or two looking down with whimsical respect on the dead form of the carcajou. "Y' ain't nawthin' but a thief an' stinkin' Glutton," he muttered presently, "an' the whole kit an' bilin' of ye's got to be wiped out! But, when it comes to grit, clean through, I takes off my cap to ye!"

An' thot's wort' more than gold, an' the likes av me 'n you wadden't know if we was to wade through it, but it's used in the war, I dunno, t' make gas-bags t' kill the inimy, and ye're t' say nawthin' t' nobody er they'll likely take an' hang ye fer a spy on the government, but ye're sa-afe, Mike, s' long as ye sthick t' me an' yer job an' say nawthin' t' nobody, d' ye see."

"Hello! boys!" the foremost of the men called out as he strode into the circle of light; "seen your fire when we was makin' our way through these here old woods, and allowed that p'raps we might get a bite to eat if we came over. Hain't had nawthin' since mornin', and we're nigh famished, that's straight goods; ain't it, Bill?"