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Don't you observe, Dunsford, that when Ellesmere wants to attack us, and does not exactly see how, he mutters to himself sarcastically, sneering himself up, as it were, to the attack. Ellesmere. You and Dunsford are both wild for music, from barrel- organs upwards. Milverton. I confess to liking the humblest attempts at melody. Dunsford.

When I picked her up she opened her eyes, laughing and crying and making mouths as she pointed to the ceiling. I could get nothing out of her for a while. Then she mutters something about a crash upstairs, and goes off into another fit. I carried her into her bedroom and went upstairs as fast as my legs would take me. There was a light under his door, but he didn't answer when I knocked.

"Good heavens! What a magnificent woman!" mutters Beau Lovelace "Venus realized!" Lady Winsleigh turns very pale, she trembles and can scarcely regain her usual composure as Sir Philip, with a proud tenderness lighting up the depths of his hazel eyes, leads this vision of youth and perfect loveliness up to her, saying simply "Lady Winsleigh, allow me to introduce to you my wife!

I almost run into him, an' den I discobered it was dat good-fo'-nuffin Dan Baxter." "He was watching the houseboat?" "Dat's it." "Did he recognize you, Aleck?" "Not till I spoke to him. I said, `Wot yo' doin' heah, Dan Baxter? When he heard dat he 'most jumped a foot. Den he mutters sumthing wot I couldn't make out an' runs away." "Did you go after him?" "Yes, but I couldn't cotch him nohow.

The Berlin man as he passes mutters the word Englanderin as though it were a curse, or says into one's ear they seem fond of saying or rather hissing this, and seem to think it both crushing and funny, "Ros bif," and the women stare at one all over and also say to each other Englanderin. You never told me Germans were rude; or is it only in Berlin that they are, I wonder.

Soon he will order, like that King of yours, that the sea be lashed with chains." "Oho! With chains." "Your king was a fool. Was he married, your king?" "The sea is coming, coming!" mutters Dan. "It brings along its noise, its secret, its deception. Oh, how the sea deceives man. Those who died at sea yes, yes, yes. Those who died at sea." "Yes, the sea is coming.

They thought only of conquering when they should have thought of disenchanting. "Oh, ye mistook! Ye should have snatched his wand And bound him fast. Without the rod reversed, And backward mutters of dissevering power, We cannot free the lady that sits here Bound in strong fetters fixed and motionless."

"Now," mutters Jenny, as she hears him run away, "I'll no see his face till mornin; an' he'll come in as blind's a bat." And out she flies to catch him; but, in her hurry, she overturns Geordie, just as his lips are manufacturing the ordinary "Guid e'en to ye, Jenny!" "The same to ye, Geordie," says she; and, with that boon, leaves him on her flight.

I make you no allowance of any sort, I pay you by the strict agreement. There's your cheque. Go!" Jackson goes out with a very black countenance. He mutters with a surly oath that if "he'd known how he was going to be served he'd ha' 'blocked' 'em a little more." He is pretty well believed to have been served right, and he secures no sympathy whatever.

"You know how precious time is to me, and you are so late. You are two hours late! . . . Have you no fear of God?" "I haven't come straight from home," mutters Ivan Matveyitch, untying his scarf irresolutely. "I have been at my aunt's name-day party, and my aunt lives five miles away. . . . If I had come straight from home, then it would have been a different thing."