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"Do, Miss Anty, dear do, darling," added Biddy. "It'll be a dale betther for you than waiting here to be batthered and bruised, and, perhaps, murthered out and out."

Did ye see us, though, Captin, whin we come in on their right flank? By George, we murthered urn. There's more'n a hundred lyin' in hapes back there. As for old Stilton, I just caught sight of um behind that wood to our left, an' he's makin' for the enemy's right rair. He'll have lots o' prisoners in half an hour."

For it is weel kenned that your grace was amung the first to discover the dead body of the murthered man, Heaven rest him! And noo, your grace, I will show ye till your room," said the landlord, leading the way to a neat bedchamber on the same floor. "Be good enough to send my servant here with my luggage," said the duke. The landlord bowed and went out to deliver the message.

"All that I knew was that one of your slaves was being murthered by the sun and the flies. And I says to myself, this is one of the Colonel's slaves, and I'm the Colonel's doctor, and sure it's my duty to be looking after the Colonel's property. So I just gave the fellow a spoonful of water and covered his back from the sun. And wasn't I right now?" "Right?" The Colonel was almost speechless.

Another letter from R.P.G. I shall begin to wish, like S., that he had been murthered and robbed in his walks between Wimbledon and London. I like her very much, and think he has been very lucky. She is not in the vaward of youth, but John is but two or three years my junior.

Sydney's safe return, swearing that he thought him 'murthered and kilt intirely. That awful night was so indelibly stamped upon the memory of our hero, that often, in after times, it haunted him in his dreams. The Marriage The Intoxicated Rector Miseries of an aged Bridegroom on his Wedding Night. Mrs. Belmont was seated in the elegant parlor of her residence in Reade street.

So I told him all that had passed, first and last; and this is the cause of the feud between the people of the land of the Greeks and the people of the city of Baghdad. Then we bore off thy murthered mother and buried her; and I took thee and reared thee, and hung about thy neck the jewel which was with Queen Abrizah.

This trifling injury was all that we could inflict in return for the large loss of life and limb. "Well, Lieutenant, poor John is gone!" said the little Irish Corporal, coming to the side of that officer. "What, killed?" "Ivery bit of it. I have just turned him over, and shure he is as dead as he was before he was born. That last shot murthered the boy.

An' the man put in the wather a good dhrop o' whiskey, an' he says, says he, 'Now ye'll see the effect on animal life, says he. An' Sheela looked in again, an' she seen the snakes all doubled up, an' kilt, an' murthered an' says Sheela, says she: "'May the divil fly away wid me, says she, 'if I ever touch wather again till I first put in whiskey to kill them fellows!

No doubt you fancy, from, some benign and disinterested love of peace and harmony, worthy of an old man and a philosopher. But listen "For a while he was not composed, but related it once or twice as to himself, with a low and careful tone, how Sextus Roscius was murthered after supper by the Balneæ Palatinæ.