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Do you think you could do that? You might use a motorcycle know how to ride one?" "Yes, sir," said Harry. "Live with your parents, do you? Would they let you go? I don't think it would be very dangerous, and you would excite less suspicion than a man. See if they will let you turn yourself over to me for a few days. Pick out another scout to go with you, if you like.

There's nothing very magnificent, surely, in being the proprietor of a garage, even if it is the best-paying garage in Chippewa, where six out of ten families own a car, and summer tourists are as locusts turned beneficent. Some time between Chug's motorcycle and the home-made automobile Len Scaritt died. The loss to the household was social more than economic.

"It was Frederic Hoff," corrected her companion, "Frederic Hoff in the uniform of a British officer, a British cavalry captain!" Masked by an enormous pair of motor goggles and further shielded from recognition by a cap drawn down almost over his nose, Thomas Dean in a basket-rigged motorcycle impatiently sat awaiting the arrival of Jane Strong at a corner they had agreed upon the evening before.

He will keep constant vigil, and, at the first sign of trouble in his vicinity, he will flash a warning to the next tower. The scouts in that tower will flash the signal on until it reaches the lookout at the garage. Then the motorcycle will be off to the scene of trouble, tearing down the beach at a mile-a-minute clip. How does that strike you?"

"No, the first train for you is the eight-forty-five to-morrow." "Too bad! I wish there was a train right away." There was no help for it, and a few minutes later the youth left the depot, and jumping on the motorcycle, started back for Brill College. As he rode along Dick's thoughts were busy. What had taken his parent to New York and why had he disappeared so mysteriously?

At first I could not make up my mind why the Secret Service people insisted on my making this trip to Peking on a motorcycle, guarded by soldiers like a passenger in time of war. Now I think I know." "Then you have the advantage of me," said the officer. "I've been thinking that over quite a lot, and the answer is still to find."

"Mark!" ejaculated the lad who had sprung from the projectile. "What has happened? Who is the fellow who has been masquerading as you?" "A scoundrel and a villain! Let me get at him!" and, slamming on the brakes, as he shut off the power, Mark leaped from the motorcycle, stood it up against the projectile, and clasped his chum by the hand.

"That'll be Dick, then," said Harry, greatly relieved. "All right I'll go ahead!" He went on then, and soon he, too, saw Dick busy with the motorcycle. "Won't he be glad to see me, though?" he thought. "Poor old Dick! I'll bet he's had a hard time." Then he called, softly. And Dick turned. But it was not Dick. It was Ernest Graves!

Hicks advised him to be a man, to show courage for once, to risk something, and then reap the reward forever afterward. "Take your motorcycle, ride to the aviation field before daylight, file that wire half through, and fate will take care of the rest." But Owen lacked the nerve. He feared that he would be seen sneaking onto the field at night or at daybreak.

To all appearance he was bitterly pre-occupied with the woes of a stalled tourist when a motorcycle chugged to a stop beside the runabout and Owen called him. "I thought you had failed of our appointment, master," he said eagerly as he crawled out. "I have waited for more than half an hour." "It is sad that you should be inconvenienced, old friend," answered Owen.