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Updated: August 29, 2024

This emphatic assurance of "rigor mortis" having convinced the old gentleman that his money will be well invested, the deal is about to be closed, when, seeing Oswald, little Jack sprints across the street, down an alley, into the arms of a policeman. "Pfwhat yez roonin' loike yez a stalin' wagabond pfhwor?" sternly asks the officer.

The dead man lay on his back, not three feet beyond the radius of the door, in a pool of blood that was almost dried and gave the room a sickly-sweet butchershop odor. Under the back of Rand's hand, Rivers's cheek was cold; his muscles had already begun to stiffen in rigor mortis. Rand examined the dead man's wounds.

Herewith I inclose copies of the testimony of the witnesses examined before the coroner's jury, together with the statement of Gillson, taken in articulo mortis: Deposition of Dollie Adams.

.... The following report of an autopsy is of peculiar interest to physicians and Christians: Case 81st. Felo de se. Yow Kow, yellow, male, Chinese, aged 94; found dead on the street; addicted to opium. Autopsy-sixteen hours after death. Slobbering at the mouth; head caved in; immense rigor mortis; eyes dilated and gouged out; abdomen lacerated; hemorrhage from left ear. Head.

Therefore in this sense Your Holiness is antichrist. In every other sense I hold you in great veneration, and I ask you for an indulgence in articulo mortis." My man was put in the Castello St. Angelo. When he came out of the Castello St. Angelo, he rushed to Venice, and asked to speak to the doge.

"Therefore I say he would not refuse a dispensation, more so because there are some reasons for one: the girl must go to her father and that young man is ill and may die Hm! in articulo mortis! But without a dispensation I cannot." "I could obtain it afterward from Bishop Jacob; no matter how severe he may be, he will not refuse me this favor. I guarantee, he will not refuse," said the princess.

Those who have never seen Death or heard the swing of his scythe, till he suddenly bursts upon them, or upon those they love dearly, are greatly to be pitied. They have not learnt the art of quietening the soul in face of an inexorable command. Timor mortis is a reality, and we can be, and ought to be, prepared for it.

Et quisquis per aliquos dies potat ieiuno stomacho sanatur in breui tempore, a quacunque interiori infirmitate, languore duntaxat mortis excepto: et sane illorum qui prope sunt, et frequenter bibunt apparet per totum vitae tempus mira iuuentus. Ego autem ter vel quater bibi, quamobrem et vsque hodie arbitror potius me corporaliter valere.

You can't hang anybody on rigor mortis nowadays, inspector, much as you may resent the limitation. No, what we can say is this. If he had been shot after the hour at which the world begins to get up and go about its business, it would have been heard, and very likely seen too.

However, days rolled away, and Aunt Green lingered on still, tenaciously clinging unto life: until one morning early, she felt so much better, that she insisted on being propped up by pillows, and seeing all the household round her bed to speak to them. So up came every one, in no small hope of legacies, and what the lawyers call "donationes mortis causâ."

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