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Updated: August 5, 2024

To these was added Cleburne's brigade, reduced to one-third of its numbers. One-third was killed and wounded before Buckland's brigade, Sunday morning; one-third had straggled to the rear; the remaining third rallied to enter into Monday's battle. In accordance with the direction of General Buell, McCook deployed Rousseau's brigade into line facing toward Shiloh Church.

So he was bound to have a new pair and pay by the week. A cheap pair, that would see him out, come to threepence a week for three months. The discovery of this painful fact threw the escaped prisoner into the shade, and the Morning Star would have been lost sight of because it was only Monday's paper, after all! unless Aunt M'riar she'd put it by for upstairs to have their turn of it, and Mrs.

She must take a ride with him on Monday and Tuesday afternoons, for practice. The Monday's ride was charming; through Verdon woods, and home over the heath from Crossley End. The circuit, which was to have been three miles, had extended to ten.

It was not in her to "whew round" among tubs and whey, to go slap-dash into soapmaking, or the coarse Monday's washing, when all nicer cares were evaded or forbidden, when chairs were shoved back against each other into corners, table-cloths left crooked, and dragging and crumby, drawing the flies, mantel ornaments of uncouth odds and ends pushed all awry and one side during a dusting, and left so, carpets rough and untidy at the corners; no touch of prettiness or pleasantness, nothing but clear, necessary work anywhere.

So home and there very late, very busy, and then home to supper and to bed, the people having got their house very clean against Monday's dinner. Mills, a lazy sermon.

When he had left at twelve o'clock that night, she softly climbed the stairs to her room, careful not to disturb the sleeping household. Tillie wondered why it was that every girl of her acquaintance exulted in being asked to keep company with a gentleman friend. She had found "sitting up" a more fatiguing task than even the dreaded Monday's washing which would confront her on the morrow.

The scenes of tumultuous and prolonged applause when the two leading candidates were named has never been equaled in any similar assemblage. It was nearly midnight of Saturday when the Convention adjourned. With the opening of Monday's session the voting began. The first ballot gave Grant 304, Blaine 284, Sherman 93, Edmunds 34, Washburne 30, Windom 10, Garfield 1.

Don't be distressed because they keep you here with nothing to do but wonder how you'll have the courage to face the cashier on pay day. It's the system. Your chance will come." It was three days before Howard had a chance. "Try to get a new point of view," he said, "and let yourself loose. There's usually plenty of room in Monday's paper."

She went to her sitting-room, unearthed these copies, and gasped! For from the column in Monday's paper stared up at her the cryptic words to Rangoon concerning asters in a garden at Canterbury. In the other three issues as well, she found the identical messages her strawberry man had quoted.

That young gentleman, immoderately jealous for the glory of the Fifth, was content as long as the two rowers remained grave and serious; he could then make himself believe they were engaged in mental exercises favourable to Monday's examination.

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