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Cut all the meat of a chicken into thin strips; season with black pepper, and cayenne, and fry in hot lard. Add some ham, onion, celery, green bean sprouts and mushrooms cut fine. Moisten with 1/2 cup of stock. Add 1/4 cup of Chinese sauce; cover and let simmer until tender. Thicken the sauce with flour; add 2 tablespoonfuls of cream and chopped parsley. Serve hot on a platter with boiled rice.

Neither venomous serpents nor wild beasts were near, but the bodies of the snakes I had killed lying about showed me the reality of what had occurred. I started to my feet, and a few shakes completed my toilet. I had hoped to awake before daylight, that I might have time to collect the dew from the branches of the trees and from the long grass, that I might at least moisten my lips.

Bigotry frowning upon the May-pole, with its flower wreaths and sportive revellers, and counting the steps of the dancers as so many steps towards perdition recognized in the grim farce of Guy Fawkes's anniversary something of its own lineaments, smiled complacently upon the riotous young actors, and opened its close purse to furnish tar-barrels to roast the Pope, and strong water to moisten the throats of his noisy judges and executioners.

The paddle is first dipped in water and rubbed over one of the flattish surfaces of the stone slightly to moisten it, and is then beaten against the outer surface of the bowl, while the stone, tapped against the inner surface, prevents indenting or cracking, and, by offering a more or less nonresisting surface, assists in thinning and expanding the clay.

O papa he gave his life for you." "No, no," was the hoarse response; "it cannot, shall not be. It's only a wound, and he has fainted from loss of blood. Show your nerve now. Moisten his lips with brandy. You, Riten, chafe his wrists with it, while I cut open his shirt and stanch the wound." A second more and a terrible gash on Merwyn's breast was revealed. How deep it was they could not know.

Loiseau, fairly in his element, rose to his feet, holding aloft a glass of champagne. "I drink to our deliverance!" he shouted. All stood up, and greeted the toast with acclamation. Even the two good sisters yielded to the solicitations of the ladies, and consented to moisten their lips with the foaming wine, which they had never before tasted.

Have ready 1/2 pound of calf's liver chopped, and 1/2 pound of fresh pork chopped fine. Season highly and mix with 1/2 cup of butter, 2 green peppers, 1 onion chopped and 1/2 can of chopped mushrooms. Moisten with a glass of sherry. Fill the dish with the mixture and cover with the dough. Let bake until done and serve hot. Russian Boiled Fish.

Blanche could with impunity moisten her lips in the wine she had poisoned " Louis seemed hardly to hear these last words of Yvon; his limbs stiffened, his head dropped and thumped against the floor; his eyes rolled for a last time in their depths; a slight froth gathered on his now blackened lips; he uttered a slight moan, and the last crowned scion of the Carlovingian stock had passed away.

Put into a sauce-pan one gill of tomato sauce, one ounce of butter, and one gill of Spanish sauce, or any rich meat gravy free from fat, and stir until they are smoothly blended: put a half inch layer of macaroni on the bottom of a dish, moisten it with four tablespoonfuls of the sauce, sprinkle over it half an ounce of the grated cheese; make three other layers like this, using all the macaroni, cheese, and sauce, and brown the macaroni in a hot oven for about five minutes; serve it hot.

If for fourteen days before the birth, she do every morning and evening bathe and moisten her belly with muscadine and lavender water, the child will be much strengthened thereby. And if every day she eat toasted bread, it will hinder anything from growing to the child. Her privy parts must be gently stroked down with this fomentation.