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Updated: August 8, 2024

Miserrimus Dexter, under cross-examination, had indirectly admitted that he had ideas of his own on the subject of Mrs. Eustace Macallan's death. At the same time he had spoken of Mrs. Beauly in a tone which plainly betrayed that he was no friend to that lady. Did he suspect her too?

"Command me, my dear lady I am yours and yours only," said the gallant old gentleman. "What do you wish to ask me?" "I wish to ask if you know Miserrimus Dexter." "Good Heavens!" cried the Major; "that is an unexpected question! Know Miserrimus Dexter? I have known him for more years than I like to reckon up. What can be your object " "I can tell you what my object is in two words," I interposed.

"I want you to give me an introduction to Miserrimus Dexter." My impression is that the Major turned pale under his paint. This, at any rate, is certain his sparkling little gray eyes looked at me in undisguised bewilderment and alarm. "You want to know Miserrimus Dexter?" he repeated, with the air of a man who doubted the evidence of his own senses. "Mr.

"I mean to consult Miserrimus Dexter," I answered, boldly. Mrs. Macallan started back from me with a loud exclamation of surprise. "Are you out of your senses?" she asked. I told her, as I had told Major Fitz-David, that I had reason to think Mr. Dexter's advice might be of real assistance to me at starting. "And I," rejoined Mrs.

You stun me." I was more than contented with this result I triumphed in my victory. For once, I had really some reason to feel satisfied with myself. I had taken the Christian and merciful side in my discussion with Mr. Playmore; and I had won my reward. I could sit in the same room with Miserrimus Dexter, and feel the blessed conviction that I was not breathing the same air with a poisoner.

Fiddle in harmonics as it may, it will have these gratifications at all costs. Should none be discoverable, at once you are at the Cave of Despair, beneath the funereal orb of Glaucoma, in the thick midst of poniarded, slit-throat, rope-dependant figures, placarded across the bosom Disillusioned, Infidel, Agnostic, Miserrimus. That is the sentimental route to advancement.

At the word of command, Ariel submissively stretched out one arm toward the dish. Just as she touched a cake with the tips of her fingers her hand was jerked away by a pull at the string, so savagely cruel in the nimble and devilish violence of it that I felt inclined to snatch Benjamin's cane out of his hand and break it over Miserrimus Dexter's back.

The renewed examination of Miserrimus Dexter touched on matters of no general interest. One question and one answer only I will repeat here. They appeared to me to be of serious importance to the object that I had in view in reading the Trial. "I believe, Mr. Dexter," the Lord Advocate remarked, in his most ironical manner, "that you have a theory of your own, which makes the death of Mrs.

Shall we say this day week," asked the Major, taking out his pocketbook, "at eight o'clock?" I consented to the proposed compromise but not very willingly. With a letter of introduction, I might have seen Miserrimus Dexter that afternoon. As it was, the "little dinner" compelled me to wait in absolute inaction through a whole week. However, there was no help for it but to submit.

At York we wandered to and through a flower-show, and did the cathedral, as people do all the sights they see under the lead of a paid exhibitor, who goes through his lesson like a sleepy old professor. I missed seeing the slab with the inscription miserrimus. There may be other stones bearing this sad superlative, but there is a story connected with this one, which sounds as if it might be true.

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