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Updated: August 21, 2024

Not more than ten minutes gone the feller we're after shot down one o' the boys back ther' over the rise. That boy was on a fast hoss, an' was close on that all-fired Dago's heels. Wal, he got it plenty, an' we're goin' back to bury that honest citizen later. Meanwhiles, ten minutes gone that rustler got down here, an' as you say, made that river, an' you you didn't see him. Get me?

I reckon you allow I can't sew," she continued, "but I do heaps of mendin', as the digger squaw and Chinamen we have here do only the coarser work. I'll send it back to you, and meanwhiles you keep mine." She drew a handkerchief from her pocket and handed it to him. To his great surprise it was a delicate one, beautifully embroidered, and utterly incongruous to her station.

No; Bowlaigs ain't equal to pourin' down the raw nosepaint; but Black Jack humours his weakness an' Bowlaigs is wont to take off his libations about two parts water to one of whiskey an' a lump of sugar in the bottom, outen one of these big tumbler glasses; meanwhiles standin' at the bar an' holdin' the glass between his two paws an' all as ackerate an' steady as the most talented inebriate.

He accepted the other's admittedly better understanding of these things all the more readily that he desired earnestly to dispel the last shadows of his momentary doubt. "That's so," he agreed. Then he added: "But anyway, our camp's gone." "Yes. We'll make camp some'ere else. Meanwhiles " "Yes?" "We must follow up the trail." There was irrevocable decision in the older cattleman's tone.

An' when you've cracked 'em, an' you feel like it, mind, I don't ask you to you can come along and you'll find this shack still standin'. That, too, is up to you. Meanwhiles, Joe Bloc'll slep right here. Guess you'll be startin' out crackin' nuts to-morrow morning. There's just one thing I'd like to say before partin', Jim," he added, his frigidity thawing slightly.

Then with cheery optimism: "It was hustling to get here. I didn't jest see it. Still, I got around." "You sure have," grinned Dug. Then he indicated his companion. "This is Mr. Jeffrey Masters, President of the Western Union. If you'll come right along in we ken get things fixed up. Meanwhiles I'll jest have a 'hand' round-up your plug an' feed him hay."

I don't guess Zip's wise to where it is." Bill's eyes lit with a curious fire. "Guess Zip'll find him," he said quietly. "Maybe it'll take him time " "An'," cried Sunny, "how's them pore kiddies to live meanwhiles?" The loafer fired his little bomb with the desired effect. The men had no answer for some moments.

"'As is frequent with me, says Dan Boggs, after we sets quiet a moment, meanwhiles tastin' our nosepaint thoughtful for these outbursts of Cherokee's an' Enright's calls for consid'rations, 'as is frequent with me, says Dan, 'I reckons I'll string my chips with Cherokee.

It's all bound to come right some day only meanwhiles, I wish livin' wasn't so high. What with good steak twenty-eight cents a pound, an' its bein' as much as your life is worth to even ast the price o' fresh vegetables, it takes some contrivin' to get along.

He felt that the moment was critical, and he would not risk words which might easily set them scuttling back to their stronghold. His strategy was successful. Up came the hands again, and he knew he had won their confidence. He allowed them another dip into the pot, and then began the business in hand. "We'll save the rest fer bimeby," he said decidedly. "Meanwhiles we'll fix things right."

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