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I am now in a position to support a wife. Tuesday at two," he went on, consulting his pocket diary; "or I could give you half an hour on Monday morning." "But why this extraordinary hurry? Why mayn't I be married properly, with presents and things?" "My dear," said Roger reproachfully, "you forget. I am a City man now, and it is imperative that I should be married at once.

"Do talk sense," said Lalage. "What would be the point of saying that a bishop mayn't have two? It's hard enough to get a man like the Archdeacon to have one. Besides, if that's what it means, then other people, not bishops, are allowed to have two wives, which is perfectly absurd. It would be bigamy and that's far worse than what the Archdeacon said I'd done. Where's Hilda?"

"Mayn't he be still in the stage of not quite knowing which of them, mother or daughter, he likes best?" She gave it more thought. "Oh it must be the daughter at his age." "Possibly. Yet what do we know," Strether asked, "about hers? She may be old enough." "Old enough for what?" "Why to marry Chad. That may be, you know, what they want.

"Tell them, Uncle, that we don't want their fishing-gear," I said; when there was a fresh demonstration of joy, and Tom threw out their rough lines and nets on to the grass. "They may as well help us load, Mas'r Harry, mayn't they?" said Tom a proposition I at once agreed to.

"No, not trash, so to speak, but " "No 'buts' at all!" interrupted Lubotshka, flaring up. "You have never heard me call the girl whom you are in love with 'trash! How, then, can you speak so of Papa and a respectable woman? Although you are my elder brother, I won't allow you to speak like that! You ought not to!" "Mayn't I even express an opinion about " "No, you mayn't!" repeated Lubotshka.

"Why don't you go now, and take me?" "Because he died." "What's died?" "Went away out of sight, where we can't go to look for him till we go out of sight too." "When will that be?" "I don't know." "Does anybody know?" "Nobody." "Then perhaps you will never go?" "We must go; it's only that nobody knows when." "I think the when that nobody knows, mayn't never come. Is that why you have to work?"

Vincent cannot be moved up here, and I could not lay such a burthen on them. 'We would be very good, said Val. 'That, I hope, you will be any way; but I think it will be easier at Rockstone, and I am quite sure that papa and I shall be better satisfied about you. 'Mayn't we take Quiz! asked Fergus. 'And Rigdum Funnidos? cried Valetta. 'And Ruff and Ring? chimed in Mysie.

And then as he seemed slow to follow: "It all comes back to her. It all began with her. Everything, from the first. She introduced you to Maggie. She made your marriage." The Prince might have had his moment of demur, but at this, after a little, as with a smile dim but deep, he came on. "Mayn't she also be said, a good deal, to have made yours?

"Set you to play six-eight time an' 'tis beads right away." "A slice o' saffern-cake, crowder, to stay ye. Don't say no. Hi, Mary Jane!" "Thank 'ee, Farmer. A man might say you was in sperrits to-night, makin' so bold." "I be; I be." "Might a man ax wherefore, beyond the nat'ral hail-fellow-well-met of the season?" "You may, an' yet you mayn't," answered the host, passing on with the mug.

"Oh!" she cried, "they mayn't be able to send off for us for perhaps a day or two." "It is quite likely that the breeze will drop at sunset," Nasmyth replied cheerfully. "These westerly breezes often do. Anyway, the rain seems to be stopping, and I may be able to dry my matches. In the meanwhile I might come across something to eat. There are oysters on some of these beaches."