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In the earlier numbers of the Comic Almanac all the manners and customs of Londoners that would afford food for fun were noted down; and if during the last two years the mysterious personage who, under the title of "Rigdum Funnidos," compiles this ephemeris, has been compelled to resort to romantic tales, we must suppose that he did so because the great metropolis was exhausted, and it was necessary to discover new worlds in the cloud-land of fancy.

Vincent cannot be moved up here, and I could not lay such a burthen on them. 'We would be very good, said Val. 'That, I hope, you will be any way; but I think it will be easier at Rockstone, and I am quite sure that papa and I shall be better satisfied about you. 'Mayn't we take Quiz! asked Fergus. 'And Rigdum Funnidos? cried Valetta. 'And Ruff and Ring? chimed in Mysie.

Oh yes, we want you to choose between Artaxerxes and the Sofy. But the Rigdums are the eldest pair of guinea-pigs. They are so fond of me, that I know poor old Funnidos will die of grief if I go away and leave him. 'I sincerely hope not, Valetta, for, indeed, there is no place to put him in.

Rigdum Funnidos was in a hutch in the small garden under the cliff, Begum and two small gray kittens were in a basket under the kitchen stairs, Aga was purring under everybody's feet, Cocky was turning out the guard upon his perch -in short, Il Lido was made as like Silverfold as circumstances would permit.

Halfpenny had regarded as 'mess, and utterly refused to let his aunts be 'fashed' with; while Valetta's orders were chiefly for the visiting all the creatures, so as to bring an exact account of the health and spirits of Rigdum Funnidos, etc., also for some favourite story-books which she wished to lend to Kitty Varley and Maura White.

'And Rigdum Funnidos and Lady Rigdum? 'And Ruff and Ring? They are the sweetest doves in the world. 'Doves! Oh, Mysie, they would drive your aunt Ada distracted, with coo-roo-roo at four o'clock in the morning, just as she goes off to sleep. 'The Rigdums make no noise but a dear little chirp, triumphantly exclaimed Valetta. 'Do you mean the kittens? We have a vacancy for one cat, you know.