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Updated: August 18, 2024

His weight appears to be about 140 pounds, height 6 feet 1 inch high. "When I gits to thinkin' back on them slavery days I feels like risin' out o' this here bed an' tellin' ever'body 'bout the harsh treatment us colored folks was given when we was owned by poor quality folks. "My marster was mean an' cruel. I hates him, hates him! The God Almighty has condemned him to eternal fiah.

"What is the name of the girl you gave her pass to?" asked the Judge of the blind mulatto. "Virgie, marster." "My heart told me so," exclaimed the Judge. "Your crime has been punished enough. I will send you to your wife." John Randel, Jr., observed, that evening: "Devil Jim Clark has taken example from Patty Cannon, and squared the circle." "Not dead?" asked Clayton. "Yes, dead and buried.

I heah Ephum say Aunt Dinah tell him de ole house whar used to be on de hill whar dat gret oak-tree is in de pines bu'nt down de year he wuz born, an' he ole marster had to live in de overseer house, an' hit break he heart, an' dee teck all he niggers, an' dat's de way he come to blongst to we all; but dat ole man ain' know nuttin 'bout dat house, 'cause hit bu'nt down.

Dunbar made a speech, and the upshot of it was, that every darkey was to walk past the pot and rub his finger in the smut; and he swore a solemn oath, that when the pusson that stole that fine game rooster, touched the pot, the dominicker rooster would crow. As Marster called our names, we every one marched out and rubbed the pot, and when all of us had tried, the rooster hadn't crowed. Mr.

An' don' yo' think, Cun'l Chahmb'lin axed ole marster mo' 'n th'ee niggers wuz wuth fur M'ria! Befo' old marster bought her, dough, de sheriff cum an' levelled on M'ria an' a whole parecel o' urr niggers. Ole marster he went to de sale, an' bid for 'em-r but Cun'l Chahmb'lin he got some one to bid 'g'inst ole marster.

But now they heard the shuffling of his shoes as he came across the rug toward them from his seat in the corner. "Young marster," he said, "take yo' watch." And without hesitation he laid the ancient timepiece in the hand of its rightful owner. Finch keeps a hats-cleaned-by-electricity-while-you-wait establishment, nine feet by twelve, in Third Avenue. Once a customer, you are always his.

"Yes, marster; ebery ting dat's wanting shall be toppermost." Elsie laughed unrestrainedly, but Dolf only took that as a compliment, and was immensely satisfied with the impression he had produced. "Don't get up another flirtation with the cook," she said; "she is old enough to be your mother, so old that she's growing rich with hoarding, Dolf."

"No, marster, never; ’strue’s I live," said Rondeau, who left the room and went in quest of Leffie. But he did not dare to repeat the scene of the morning, for Aunt Dilsey was present, bending over a large tub of boiling suds, and he felt sure that any misdemeanor on his part would call forth a more affectionate shower bath than he cared about receiving.

"Having tried his hand," as he said, "at everything in Marster Norton's school," he proved of invaluable service sweeping, dusting, washing dishes, cleaning knives, and once ironing Dr. Kennedy's shirts, when old Hannah was in what he called her "tantrums."

"Den he tole me he wuz goin' to fight a duil, an' in case he should git shot, he had set me free an' giv' me nuif to tek keer o' me an' my wife ez long ez we lived. He said he'd like me to stay an' tek keer o' ole marster an' ole missis ez long ez dey lived, an' he said it wouldn' be very long, he reckoned.

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