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In fact, they all went into raptures over it, especially Jory and Mahoudeau, who declared they had never tasted anything better at Marseilles; so much so, that the young wife, delighted and still flushed with the heat of the kitchen, her ladle in her hand, had all she could do to refill the plates held out to her; and, indeed, she rose up and ran in person to the kitchen to fetch the remains of the soup, for the servant-girl was losing her wits.

When they reached the Esplanade, the wrangling became so violent that they stopped in the middle of that large open space. Beside himself, Claude called Jory a numskull; was it not better to destroy one's work than to launch a mediocre performance upon the world? Truckling to trade was really disgusting. Mahoudeau and Sandoz, on their side, shouted both together at the same time.

She waited at the stage-door to capture her daughter, but the first comedian and the leading lady had no doubt jumped across the footlights and left the theatre with the audience, instead of issuing by the stage-door, where Madame Cardinal and her crony, Mere Mahoudeau, made an infernal rumpus, which two municipal guards were called upon to pacify.

Yes, it's evident it will please people very much. Mahoudeau, whom such praises would once have thrown into consternation, seemed delighted. He explained that he wished to conquer public opinion without relinquishing a tithe of his convictions.

'What! is it you who are hiding her? exclaimed Mahoudeau. 'Well, nobody wants to see her again! The truth was that Jory, throwing to the winds all his habits of prudence and parsimony, was now secretly providing for Mathilde. She had gained an ascendency over him by his vices. They still lingered at table, and night was falling when they escorted Mahoudeau to his own door.

He prowled about for a minute, entered the dark back shop, where stood the bed that he shared with Mahoudeau, and then reappeared, his hat on his head, but more silent, it seemed, than ever. With his awkward peasant fingers he leisurely took up a stick of charcoal and then wrote on the wall: 'I am going to buy some tobacco; put some more coals in the stove. And forthwith he went out.

"Yes and no," replied Etienne Lousteau. "It is a supper, old chap." There will be play afterwards." "But we are engaged to Mme. Mahoudeau this evening, dear," put in the wife. "What does that matter?" returned Vernou. "She will take offence if we don't go; and you are very glad of her when you have a bill to discount."

Mahoudeau also was singing victory, constantly dragging in his 'Vintaging Girl, the daring points of which he explained to the silent Chaine, the only one who listened to him; while Gagniere, with the sternness of a timid man waxing wroth over questions of pure theory, spoke of guillotining the Institute; and Sandoz, with the glowing sympathy of a hard worker, and Dubuche, giving way to the contagion of revolutionary friendship, became exasperated, and struck the table, swallowing up Paris with each draught of beer.

However, it was the mistress of the house who carved, while the master took his place facing her, against the blockaded sideboard, in order to hand round whatever things might be required. Henriette had placed Claude on her right hand, Mahoudeau on her left, while Gagniere and Jory were seated next to Sandoz. 'Francoise, she called, 'give me the slices of toast. They are on the range.

Victory had come at last, then? He failed to find a word of thanks, and abruptly changed the conversation, wishing to hide his emotion. 'That good fellow Mahoudeau! he said, 'why his figure's capital! He has a deuced fine temperament, hasn't he? Sandoz and Claude had begun to walk round the plaster figure. Bongrand replied with a smile.