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And the friends quickened their steps: they ran to escape from that reign of bitumen, condemning everything in one lump with their superb sectarian injustice, repeating that there was nothing in the place worth looking at nothing, nothing at all! At last they emerged from the galleries, and were going down into the garden when they met Mahoudeau and Chaine.

I am never satisfied; there is always a great collapse at the end. He was interrupted by a loud exclamation outside, and Jory appeared, delighted with life, and relating that he had just touched up an old article in order to have the evening to himself. Almost immediately afterwards Gagniere and Mahoudeau, who had met at the door, came in conversing together.

Perhaps his only fault is that he was born four centuries too late. Then, as the heat became too great, he took off his over-coat, adding: 'He's a long while fetching his tobacco. 'Oh! his tobacco! I know what that means, said Mahoudeau, who had set to work at his bust, finishing the whiskers; 'he has simply gone next door. 'Oh! so you still see the herbalist? 'Yes, she comes in and out.

There! do you understand? You, Mahoudeau, may wear yourself out in producing pretty little things; you, Gagniere, may even never do anything more; but you each have a label on the back, and you'll need ten years' efforts before you'll be able to get it off. In fact, there have been some labels that would never come off!

All the same, he stopped for another few minutes watching Chaine and Mathilde, who stuffed themselves with mallow root, each taking a piece by turns. And though he had been warned, he was again amazed when he saw Mahoudeau take up the stick of charcoal and write on the wall: 'Give me the tobacco you have shoved into your pocket.

Nevertheless, he had started for Paris, after worrying his father, a wretched peasant, into premature payment of his heritage, a thousand francs, on which he reckoned to live for a twelvemonth while awaiting the promised victory. The thousand francs had lasted eighteen months. Then, as he had only twenty francs left, he had taken up his quarters with his friend, Mahoudeau.

'Jory, the King of Blunderers, declared Sandoz, shaking hands with the new comer. 'Why? What? Is Mahoudeau interested in her? I didn't know, resumed Jory, when he had at length grasped the situation. 'Well, well, what does it matter? When everything's said, they are all irresistible. 'As for you, the sculptor rejoined, 'I can see you have tumbled on your lady-love's finger-nails again.

Staggering, and as if pursued by the tempest upstairs, Claude disappeared behind the clumps of shrubbery in the garden. But two hours later Sandoz, who after losing Mahoudeau had just found him again with Jory and Fagerolles, perceived the unhappy painter again standing in front of his picture, at the same spot where he had met him the first time.

'What! are you going? said Mahoudeau to Chaine, who was rising from his chair. The other mumbled some indistinct words in his beard, and went off after distributing handshakes among the party. 'I know, said Jory to Mahoudeau. 'I believe he has a weakness for your neighbour, the herbalist woman. I saw his eyes flash all at once; it comes upon him like toothache. Look how he's running over there.

However, the door of the shop had opened, and a good-looking, fair fellow, with a big pink nose, and large, blue, short-sighted eyes, entered shouting: 'I say, why does that herbalist woman next door always stand on her doorstep? What an ugly mug she's got! They all laughed, except Mahoudeau, who seemed very much embarrassed.