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Macauley's conduct to headquarters at Leavenworth, and the Leavenworth authorities came after him, but through the white-washing of some one, this reprobate went scot free. After the Chivington Massacre on Sand Creek, the War Department was greatly disturbed over the action of the Indians.

"Well, Ellen," was Martha Macauley's greeting to her sister, "did you have as interesting a time dressing the child as you expected?" "I had a charming time," replied Mrs. Lessing. She shook the dust out of her long gray veils smiling at her memory of the morning. "Did R. P. prove docile?" "'Docile' doesn't seem to me just the word." "I used it in an attempt at fine irony," explained! Mrs.

It's the first time she's worn anything not suggestive of past experiences. It's only white tonight, but " Macauley's pause was eloquent. Burns pushed on into the house, through whose open doors and windows came sounds of revelry.

"I went up to the 'Journal' office on business, one day, and there sat Miss Sherwood in Macauley's inner temple, chatting with a reporter, while Brainard finished some work." "Helen is eccentric," said the former speaker, "but she's not quite that eccentric, unless they were engaged. It is well understood that they will announce it in the fall."

"You look blamed pleased over your job," growled Macauley. "I like the job all right," admitted Burns; "particularly when contrasted with " "You wouldn't say it if you'd caught one glimpse of Mrs. L." called back Chester, as the Imp responded somewhat erratically to Macauley's unaccustomed touch.

Presently the table had been cleared, and the men were drinking coffee and lighting the excellent cigars which had been Macauley's thought when he found that Red Pepper was not on hand to provide them himself. Under the influence of these genial stimulants Burns never offered any others, and one man who knew it had declined to come the sociability grew more positive.

He found Webster's Unabridged Dictionary, Cruden's Concordance, Macauley's History of England, Jean Valjean, Fantine, Cosset, Les Miserables, The Heart of Midlothian, Ivanhoe, Guy Mannering, Rob Roy, Shakespeare, the History of Ancient Rome, and many others which I have now forgotten. He carried literature for the regiment.

"I shall be delighted to do it for you, Red, as you know. So will Martha. We " "Thanks immensely. I want Ches of course, and Jim Macauley's coming. The rest are M, D.'s. I must be off." He would have been off, without doubt, in an instant more, for he was half out of the door as he spoke, but Winifred Chester flew after him and laid an insistent hand on his coat sleeve. "Red!

I am leaving to-morrow morning. Good-night. Yes, mamma." The three figures went toward the bright lights of the club-house. She was leaning on Macauley's arm and chatting gaily, smiling up at him brightly. John watched her till she was lost in the throng on the veranda.

The smoke grew thick. Macauley's cigars were of a strong brand; the air was blue with their reek. Still the guests sat about the table, and still the talk went on. It was interrupted quite suddenly by the advent of Red Pepper Burns himself. Macauley saw him first, standing in the doorway between dining room and office, but for an instant he did not know him.