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Updated: August 20, 2024

A fresh cigarette was lighted. "Like to read? Why didn't you tell me? Got a lot of books I don't know what to do with. Will send them down if you want them " "Want them?" Mrs. McDougal sat upright, hands up also. "It's the sin of my life, readin' is. But it's saved me from losin' my mind.

"Well sir, 'tis a gr-reat thing f'r a counthry to have th' likes iv thim ar-round to direct manoovers that'd be gatherin' dust on th' shelf if th' gin'rals had their say, an' to prove to th' wurruld that th' English ar-re not frivolous, excitable people like us an' th' Frinch, but can take a batin' without losin' their heads." "Sure," said Mr.

I wondered afterward that she did n't see where 't was all leadin' to but she did n't." "'Leading to'?" The voice shook. "Yes. I wondered she did n't see she was losin' 'em that husband and daughter; but she did n't see it." The Lady in Black sat very still. Even the birds seemed to have stopped their singing.

But the fact stands that I'm losin' more cattle on this range than at any one of my other three ranches or all of 'em put together." "We're nearer the hills than they are," the foreman replied sulkily. "I don't want excuses, but results, Joe. However, I came to talk about that gather of beeves for Major Strong." Webb talked business in his direct fashion for a few minutes, then strolled away.

Grief over losin' the best will not stop him from searchin' for a second best after a while. He wants a home, and he has got a right to one, says I to Miss Jessamine. 'You have not walled up Lin McLean, I says to her. Wait, Lin, wait. Yus needn't to tell me that's a lie. I know a man thinks he's walled up for a while." "She could have told you it was a lie," said the cow-puncher. "She did not.

"Looks is deceivin'," he said. "I've got a heap of burden on my mind. I've got a thousand dollars which is botherin' me considerable." The puncher sat erect, his eyes bulging. "You've got a thousand!" he said "Oh, Lordy! An' you're botherin' about it?" "It ain't none of your business, of course," said Calumet. "An' I reckon I'm tellin' you about it so's you'll feel mean about losin' your own.

So I said to myself that if I could get full of electricity for the purpose of lightin' the gas I could get full of it for other purposes, and so, without losin' a moment, I set to work.

"Oh, don't let that worry you, Hiram, My reputation'd freeze a stroke of lightnin'. You don't seem to be worryin' much about your own reputation." "Oh well, a man can do a lot of things a woman can't, without losin' his reputation." For an instant the color flamed into Mrs. Burke's face as she retorted hotly: "Yes, there's the whole business.

And disthracted she was seem' him goin' out in their ould boat, that's laiks enough in her to sink the biggest ship ever set sail, and herself wid scarce the width to hould a sizable flounder. Sez I to Felix one wild evenin', when we was argufyin' wid him, that sure the little loadin' he could be puttin' in her 'ud never be worth losin' his life for.

And he's losin' a heap o' money here and thar, and mostly to YOU. You cleaned him out of two thousand dollars last night all he had." "Well?" said the gambler coldly. "Well, I thought ez you woz a friend o' mine, I'd ask ye to let up a little on him," said Peg, with an affected laugh. "You kin do it. Don't let him play with ye."

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