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Updated: August 20, 2024

The painting of Master Betty was amusing at first, but it seemed, in the end, to be but a prolonged and tedious business to the not artistic looker-on. He must divert himself somehow. Certainly Northcote's appearance was comical. Suddenly the painter felt a twitching at his collar. He turned, frowned angrily, but said nothing. The prince persevered.

And in the temper of that cry lies the secret of brave living. One looker-on, at least, and that an opponent, recalled the words as he watched Marcella and her husband taking their way through the London crowd, amid the doubts of their friends and the half-concealed triumph of their foes. It seemed to him that he could have no chance of speech with her.

Besides, you're improving; in a year or two you'll make quite a reliable prospector's packer." "That's something," replied Crestwick, grinning. "Not long ago I thought I'd make a sportsman; one of Gladwyne's kind. The ambition doesn't so much appeal to me now. But I want to be rather more than a looker-on. Can't you let me put something into one of these claims?" "Not a cent!

Before praising the wisdom of the man who knows how to hold his tongue ascertain if he knows how to hold his pen. The most charming view in the world is obtained by introspection. Love is unlike chess, in that the pieces are moved secretly and the player sees most of the game. But the looker-on has one incomparable advantage: he is not the stake.

It is true, indeed, that the experienced chaperon is well aware that the girl who commands the greatest number of partners is not the one most likely to have the greatest number of proposals-at the end of the season, nor the one who will finally make the most successful parti. This reconciles the prudential looker-on to the occasional and partial appearance of neglect.

"'Tis early yet, for sure. But if so, what then?" "Why, I was but thinking if we were friends, I'd ask you no, I won't ask yet." "You can ask if you like, 'twill do no harm," says the girl, curious to hear. "Only this if anyone has ever ever pressed your hand." "No," says the girl, with a blush. "I'd never let them." There again, so neatly put, thinks the looker-on.

The rumbling and rattling of waggons and carts, the loading and unloading of boxes and bales, the people who are late, and the people who are early, the faces which are excited, and the faces which are sad, the trunks and bales, and cranes which creak and groan, the shouts and cries, the hurry and confusion of movement, notwithstanding that every day has seen them all for years, have a sort of perennial interest to the looker-on.

If anybody had looked over Stoner's shoulder they would have seen him gazing at a mass of figures. The half-sheet of foolscap was covered with figures: the figuring extended to the reverse side. And what a looker-on might not have known, but what Stoner knew very well the figures were all of Cotherstone's making clear, plain, well-formed figures.

Whatever may be Nature's reason for dressing the sexes unlike each other in the feathered world, which I will leave for the wise heads to settle, it is certainly an immense advantage to the looker-on in birddom.

He was so extravagantly natural, that the most saturnine looker-on acknowledged his sway; and neither the wise, the proud, or the fair, the young nor the old, were ashamed to laugh till tears coursed down their cheeks at Joe and his comicalities." Grimaldi used sometimes to play in two different Pantomimes at two different theatres, when he would have to go through some twenty scenes.

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