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Updated: August 15, 2024

It was the skeleton in his house, and all the family walked by it in terror and silence. The Countess Southdown kept on dropping per coach at the lodge-gate the most exciting tracts, tracts which ought to frighten the hair off your head. Mrs. Bute at the parsonage nightly looked out to see if the sky was red over the elms behind which the Hall stood, and the mansion was on fire.

His Highness, who had behaved with exemplary gravity, save once when he shrieked an "ah!" as Miss Liddy led off the children in the organ-loft in a hymn, and the whole pack went woefully out of tune, complimented Monsieur Tom on the sermon of monsieur his father. Tom walked with us to Rosebury lodge-gate. "Will you not come in, and make a party of billiard with me?" says His Highness. "Ah Pardon!

"His estates lie on the other side of the river, near the lodge-gate. He is my cousin, and I live there." "Where?" asked Mr. Pynsent, with a laugh. "Why, on the other side of the river, at Fairoaks," answered Miss Bell. "Many pheasants there? Cover looks rather good," said the simple gentleman. Laura smiled again. "We have nine hens and a cock, a pig, and an old pointer."

I don't see, either, what that box was doing, later on, in the brook below my lodge-gate; for, by every chance that I can reckon, the murderer supposing him to be this man Glass would have pushed on in haste for Plymouth, whereas my lodge-gate lies half a mile in the opposite direction." "Are those all your objections?" asked Mr. Rogers. "Because, if so, I must say they don't amount to much."

A night soon comes, when the mail, with echoing horn and blazing lamps, stops at the lodge-gate of Fairoaks, and Pen's trunks and his uncle's are placed on the roof of the carriage, into which the pair presently afterwards enter.

"There's a time for everything," I said savagely enough. "This isn't a time for whistling." At that moment, the carriage appeared in the distance, through the gap, on its way to the lodge-gate. There was another man, besides Samuel, plainly visible in the rumble behind. "All right!" said the Sergeant to himself. He turned round to me. "It's no time for whistling, Mr. Betteredge, as you say.

From this pastoral abundance we moved upon the more composed scene, the park proper passed through a second lodge-gate, with weather-worn gilding on its twisted bars, to the smooth slopes where the great trees stood singly and the tame deer browsed along the bed of a woodland stream.

Lightfoot cried out, "Be quiet, you tipsy brute, do," and running to her bonnet and shawl, threw them on, saw Mr. Foker walking down the street, took the by-lane which skirts it, and ran as quickly as she could to the lodge-gate, Clavering Park. Foker saw a running figure before him, but it was lost when he got to the lodge-gate. He stopped and asked, "Who was that who had just come in? Mrs.

One of the servants was in the hall, and opened the carriage-door for her. The moment it closed she was on her way through the gathering dusk to the railway station. While the lodge-gate was being opened, she thought she saw some one get up on the box beside the coachman, and fancied it must be a groom going with them.

The grey had not even left the west yet, and I could see a star or two twinkling there, to vanish with that twilight. As I looked out, I saw the not very distant lodge-gate open after a brief parley, and a lady on horseback, followed by a servant, rode rapidly up to the house. This early visitor was no other than Miss Ethel Newcome. The young lady espied me immediately.

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