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'Well, I'm not so sure of tat, says he, 'for I 'fe pecked all teir partons. 'And tid tey gif tem to you, you tog? says herself. 'Well, I'm not sure, says he; 'anyhow, I'm not tamned fery much yet. 'She'll pe much sorry to hear it, says herself. And she took care aalways to pe calling him some paad name, so tat he shouldn't say she 'll be forgifing him, whatever ta rest of tem might be toing.

The Prelude, Bk. XIII., ll. 81-84. If this constantly repeated disappointment is to cease, quantitative method must spread in politics and must transform the vocabulary and the associations of that mental world into which the young politician enters. Fortunately such a change seems at least to be beginning.

"You 're exceedingly good," said Adrian. "And I should be most happy. But I 'm afraid " "Not another word," protested Franco. "You 'll come. That' s settled." "That's settled," echoed Baldo. "We 'll send down for your traps this afternoon," said Franco. "Have you a man with you? No? Then we 'll send Grimes. He 'll pack for you, and bring up your traps.

The thought occurred to all three almost at the same instant of time; though Terence was the first to give speech to it. "By Saint Patrick!" he exclaimed, "let's take to the wather! Them breakers 'll give us a good hiding-place. I've hid before now in that same way, when taking a moonlight bath on the coast of owld Galway. I did it to scare my schoolfellows, by making believe I was drowned.

Great folks doesn't take so much note of poor ones, and them above 'll very like do so too." "There's only One above that has any right to bid aught," answered Elizabeth, "and He takes more note of poor than rich, Doll, as you'll find by the Bible. Good-night, Rose; good-night, Dorothy." And Elizabeth ran lightly down the stairs, and out so into the street.

Thet means a considerable bunch o' Injuns thar, er tharabouts. Now I know Black Kettle's outfit is down on the Washita, so the only conclusion is that this yere band thet the Sergeant stirred up is some new tribe er other, a-driftin' down frum the north. I reckon if we ride up ther valley we 'll hit their trail, an' it 'll lead straight down to them Cheyennes."

Them girls is like to do 'most anything to a new girl's duds if you wuz to hang them in the coat-room. Them Ginneys 'll do 'most anything. Wuz you down-stairs when Celie Polatta got into the fight with Rosie?" "I just missed it," she sighed in reply to my affirmative. "I was born unlucky." "Hello, Phoebe! So you've hogged another!" a new voice called across the table, and I put a question.

Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it." "Make way for the story-teller!" cried Edgar. "I will buy season tickets for both your groups, if you will only make your limit of age include me. I am only five feet ten, and I 'll sit very low if you 'll admit me to the charmed circle. Shall you have a stage name? I would suggest 'The Seraphic Sapphira."

"For mercy's sake, don't," Miss Sandus implored her, starting. "I won't," Susanna promised, drawing a deep breath. "But you will admit I have some provocation. Must I must I see him?" "Must you?" cried Miss Sandus. "Are n't you dying to see him?" "Yes," Susanna confessed, with a flutter of laughter. "I 'm dying to see him. But I 'm so afraid." "I 'll disappear," said Miss Sandus, rising.

"What will we do? I would n't carry mine for anything," said Mrs. Norton. "Why, leave them here. We 'll have Jonas Hicks come and get them," said Mrs. Harmon. Janet caught her breath and looked about her. It was the same shack on a hillock, the same gully and sheep-pen and dog, likewise the same Mr. Brown.