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Clissold's especially excellent seal soup, roast mutton and red currant jelly, fruit salad, asparagus and chocolate such was our menu. For drink we had cider cup, a mystery not yet fathomed, some sherry and a liqueur. After this luxurious meal everyone was very festive and amiably argumentative.

There was a strange eagerness, a sort of over-done cordiality, in the invitation which contrasted so strongly with the secretary's habits that Robin felt dimly suspicious. He suddenly formed the idea that Mr. Jeekes wanted to pump him. He refused the liqueur, but accepted a cigar.

It, however, caused him to leave her about three o'clock, hurry to the Gare Porte-Neuve, and, after hastily swallowing a liqueur of brandy in the buffet, depart for Langres. Thence he had travelled to Nancy, where he had taken up quarters at the Grand Hotel in the Place Stanislas, and had there remained for two days in order to rest.

All this she placed on a table before the sofa, and left the little drawing-room with gloomy eye, but firm foot. Kranitski sprang up from the sofa. "My dearest friends, I beg you take a glass of liqueur, that which thou lovest, baron Maryan, a little of the pate de foie gras " But they touched their watches simultaneously. "No, no!" began the baron, refusing, "we have only three minutes left."

The feast of welcome given by old Hochon to his guests explains how necessary were the nocturnal repasts at the Cognette's to two young fellows blessed with good appetites, who, we may add, never missed any of them. "We will take the liqueur in the salon," said Madame Hochon, rising and motioning to Joseph to give her his arm. As they went out before the others, she whispered to the painter:

She had a little gold and enamelled box like a snuff box beside her from which she would take from time to time a pinch of some white crystals and inhale it vigorously, now and then taking a little sip of a liqueur that was brought in to her." "That's the way," observed Kennedy.

First of all they held a great review, and the gentlemen fortified themselves with a nip and so did some of the ladies; I did not, for I hate the way in which a liqueur burns one's throat so that every one, at any rate girls and ladies, make such faces when they are drinking, that is why I never drink liqueur.

She felt so absolutely certain that he would say "Yes" that she lifted the flask to pour the liqueur into one of the little glasses, but, looking at him, she saw that he hesitated. "After all why not?" he ejaculated. "Why not?" She was holding the flask over the glass. He saw that his remark surprised her. "Yes, Madame, thanks." She poured out the liqueur and handed it to him.

Their stockings were soon hanging on a line above the blaze, and their shins were scorching, while they drank wonderful liqueur which was hospitably poured out by the beautiful old host. Turkish coffee was prepared for them by a soldier in a bursting French fireman's uniform. The captain's fire was the rendezvous of the village.

Thank you, Master Jim, sir I will." It was three nights later. Old Jason had placed a tray with after-dinner coffee and a liqueur set on the table at Jimmie Dale's elbow that was fully an hour ago, and both coffee and liqueur were untouched. Things were not going well. Apart entirely from all lack of success where the Tocsin was concerned, things were not going well.