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You break in any time after midnight, and I engage you shall find the Venus on the premises." "But we want more than that of you, you know. We mustn't lose any time over this job. You must be ready at the door to let us in, and bear a hand with her down to the cart." But this did not suit Leander's views at all.

"Well, my gracious king! Why why no wonder old Babbitt looked as if the main topsail yard had fell on him. Tut, tut, tut! Well, I declare! Now what do you suppose put him up to doin' that?" Winslow sat down in his low chair again and picked up the wooden sailor and the paint brush. "Well, Sam," he said, slowly, "Leander's a pretty good boy." "Yes, I suppose he is, but he's Phin Babbitt's son."

"I forget one something like Bradawl, I believe; the other had a lot of aliases, but he was best known as the 'Count, from having lived a good deal abroad, and speaking broken English like a native." Leander's spirits rose, in spite of his present anxieties. He had been going in fear and dread of the revenge of these ruffians, and they were safely locked up; they could trouble him no more.

Meantime Leander's family wuz increasin' and growin'. Little Sarey had the hoopin' cough dreadful one winter, but the cyclopeedy didn't help out at all, 'cause all it said wuz: "Hoopin' Cough See Whoopin' Cough" and uv course there warn't no Whoopin' Cough to see, bein' as how the W hadn't come yet!

And in the strange new house, set like an island in its sea of corn, Harry Leander's voice seemed to arise again above the fancied voices of the children that had been coming out of the fields. Elsie got out of bed and walked up and down in the dim light coming through the window. Her body trembled violently.

Finish her out. Can't you see you've got my head whirlin' like one of those windmills of yours? Finish her OUT!" Jed looked over his spectacles. "Oh!" he said. "Well, Leander's been comin' in here pretty frequent and we've talked about his affairs a good deal. He's always wanted to enlist ever since the war broke out." "He HAS?" "Why, sartin.

He no longer entertained the suspicion that Veranilda might be here, but he thought that, could he speak with Petronilla herself, penitence might prompt her to tell him where the captive lay hidden. It surprised him not at all to hear Leander's name as that of her confidant in the matter, though hitherto his thought had not turned in that direction.

We got on very well in the opening, but at the episode of Cupid's pining, my stepmother's needles began nervously to clash, and when we launched on the description of Leander's person, she interrupted me by saying, rather sharply, 'Give me that book, please, I should like to read the rest to myself. I resigned the reading in amazement, and was stupefied to see her take the volume, shut it with a snap and hide it under her needlework.

The Leander's guns, which commanded the principal gate of the city opening on the mole, prevented the escape of any survivors. The batteries defending the mole were three times cleared by the British fire, and three times manned again.

The first glance had told him that the man he wished to see was not there, but he knew he must come in before long; and, in fact, before Leander's food could be brought, the old scholar made his appearance. He was hardly a man of attractive exterior, being of a yellow complexion, with a stubbly chin, and lank iron-grey locks.