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Three of the white traders were still aboard, awaiting the return of their boats, which, manned by their faithful Pleasant Islanders, we now and again could dimly discern, as they appeared on the summit of the heaving seas, waiting for a chance to pull up astern and rescue their masters. 'Go, ashore, Lalia.

Then Lalia and I again went below for another of the boxes, and, aided by Karta, we had got it half-way up the companion ladder when the brig rose her stern high to a mountain sea, and then came down with a terrific crash on to a coral boulder, ripping her rudder from the stern post, and sending it clean through the deck.

The next day was the first of the long vacation, and with it came an addition to the Leighton household. Mammy was given a temporary helper, a shrewd little maid, with a head thirty years old on shoulders of twelve. Lalia was her name. The Reverend Orme had chosen her from among his charity pupils.

"Lalia is accustomed to such scenes, Mr. Arnold, I take her with me on my daily rounds, that she may see the sorrows of humanity, and I trust she will never grow so selfish as not to feel for them too." "May you receive the greatest reward," cried the wretched Evelyn. "Ah! much promise is in store for your child."

'It's all up with her, boys, cried the philosophical 'Bully. 'Jump for the boats all of you; but wait for a rising sea, or you'll get smashed up on the coral. Bo'sun, take a look round below, and see that there are no more women there. We must take care of the women, boys. Karta, the brave Pleasant Islander, a Manila man named Sarréo, and myself then went below for Lalia.

The dreaded call never came. He began to distrust his messenger. Then one stifling afternoon as he sat dozing in his chair a sharp rap on the study door awakened him with a start. "Master! Master!" called Lalia's voice. "Yes, yes," cried Leighton; "come in." As he rose from his chair Lalia entered. She was breathless with running. "Master," she said, "Shenton did quarrel with us.

He himself gave her his instructions never to leave Shenton except to run and report the moment he escaped from her charge. Lalia was accepted without suspicion by the children not as a nurse, but as a playmate. Weeks passed. The four played together with a greater harmony than the three had ever attained. Day after day the Reverend Orme sat waiting in his study and brooding.

In another chest we stowed the ship's chronometers, Hayes's instruments, and all the charts upon which we could lay hands, together with about six thousand silver dollars in bags, the ship's books and some silver plate. The women, who were the officers' and traders' wives, were fearfully terrified; all but Lalia, who was a fine, courageous girl.

I heard Hayes call out to the mate to give her another ten fathoms of cable, and then, assisted by half a dozen native women and a young Easter Island half-caste girl named Lalia, wife to one of the five white traders, began packing our arms and ammunition into two or three strong trade boxes.

Thy hand is white, and thy bracelets are of the purest silver And I, Ladham Pacha, love thee, without thought of what will come. O Lalia! O Lalia!"