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He also added that their present masters had promised to take them to that place, but were now prevented from doing so, through an apprehension that they would not be rewarded for their trouble. "I will do all I can to assist you," said El Haji, after the Krooman had given the interpretation of Harry's speech. "I owe a debt of gratitude to one of your countrymen, and I shall endeavour to repay it.

No doubt he had gone to rejoin his father, and the adroit manner in which he had made his departure, taking with him a musket, a camel, and a horse, not only excited the wonder, but the admiration of those from whom he had stolen them. In the division of the slaves young Harry Blount and the Krooman had become the property of the Arab sheik.

In the afternoon, we sent a letter by a Krooman, in a small canoe, to Captain Cumings, of the brig Kent, lying off the town of Old Calabar, commonly called Duke's Town, as the king of that country is generally known by the name and title of Duke Ephraim.

Ben Kroo, a Krooman, for ditto. Jack Freeman, a Krooman, for receiving stolen goods. John Freeman, a Krooman, for ditto.

You will get plenty of money for us in Swearah;" and that the reply of the sheik was, "The white slaves are dogs, and not worth buying." "Then we have no hope from that source!" exclaimed Terence. The Krooman shook his head; not despondently, but as if he did not agree in the opinion Terence had expressed. "What! do you think there is any hope?" asked Harry. The man gave a nod of assent. "How?

The Krooman said there was no such hope for him and his companions, for their country did not redeem its subjects from slavery. When he saw that Golah had obtained some English prisoners, he had been cheered with the hope that he might be redeemed along with them, as an English subject, to which right he had some claim from having served on an English ship.

"No, no; dig me out without that," answered Colin. "Leave the water as it is; I have a particular use for it when I get free. I wish the old sheik to see me drink it." Bill, Harry, and the Krooman set to work, and Colin and the woman were soon uncovered and dragged out. Terence was then awakened to consciousness by a few drops of the water poured over his face.

If he had not done so, you, Harry, would have been killed." "Bill!" added the young Scotchman, turning to the sailor, "what are you dreaming about?" "Nothink," answered Bill, "I'm no goin' to drame or think any mair." "We are agwine straight for Swearah," observed the Krooman, as he spoke glancing towards the north-west. "That is true," exclaimed Harry, looking in the same direction.

"Tell them I must have water or die," muttered Harry to the Krooman, in a hoarse whisper. "I am worth money, and if old Golah lets me die for want of a drop of water, he's a fool." The Krooman refused to make the communication, which he declared would only result in bringing ill-treatment upon himself. Colin appealed to Golah's son, and by signs gave him to understand that they must have water.

There was no vehicle in sight and only a few pedestrians. At the corner of the street he found a policeman who had witnessed nothing unusual and had not seen any conveyance carrying a box. As he returned slowly to the entrance of Krooman Mansions something made him look up. The doctor was leaning out of the window smoking a cigar. "Found her?" he asked mockingly. Beale made no reply.