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And thus there was no leisure for the relishing pinch, or the hour-long gossip, foot on spade. They were men wrapped up in their grim business; they liked well to open long-closed family vaults, blowing in the key and throwing wide the grating; and they carried in their minds a calendar of names and dates. It would be "in fifty-twa" that such a tomb was last opened, for "Miss Jemimy."

Mitt'ns is jest abeout 'ithin the compass uv your mind, mitt'ns, men's single mitt'ns, put up on needles larger 'n them o' yourn be, an' by this rule. Seventeen reounds in the wrist, tew an' one's the best seam" "Now, Miss Jemimy, just as if I didn't know how to knit mittens!"

I dunno how we'd all 'a' come out, if I hadn't brought Jemimy and the twins out and let 'em into the argument. Them greasers didn't like the looks of old Jemimy, and they backed off. Tige, he follered 'em right up, and soon's they got outa reach of Jemimy, they took down their lariats an' tried to hitch onto him. "They didn't know Tige. That thar dawg's the quickest dawg on earth.

"But I feel compelled to say," pursued Miss Humdrum, eying this wretched hypocrite severely, "that my girl Jemimy did hear somebody fire a gun or a cannon or something out in your garden last night, and she scar't out of her wits, and my poor cat found cold under the hogshead this morning, Ketury."

I was provoked with mother and Lurindy for answering the thing, and was just going to speak up, when I caught Stephen's eye, and thought better of it. Pretty soon Aunt Mimy produced a bundle of herbs from her pocket, and laid them on the table. "Oh, thank you, Aunt Jemimy," says mother. "Pennyroyal and catnip's always acceptable." "Yes," said Aunt Mimy.

"I didn't think 'bout Jemimy, Reub," said Perez, softly. In the affluence of his own happiness, he was overwhelmed with compassion for his brother. He was stricken by the patient look upon his pale face. "Never mind, Reub," he said. "Don't be downhearted. You and me 'll stand by each other, an mebbe it'll be made up to ye some time," and he laid his arm tenderly on the other's shoulder.

"Sa-ay, mister," interrupted the giant Jerry Simpson from the load of logs. "D'you say Senory Jemimy?" "Why, yes. Señora means madame, or " "Ya'as, I know what it means. Jemimy, mister, ain't no senory, nor no madame. Jemimy's my old Kentucky rifle, mister.

"But Jemimy's here. Here's Jemimy! She didn't go." That was the pleasant surprise. Jemima, aged seventeen, rushed into his arms. "Father! Father!" "Gal, gal! Bless you, gal! But why didn't you go with ma?" "I wanted to be here if you came back, father. I knew you'd come." Daniel Boone wiped the tears of joy from his tired eyes. He thrust Jemima aside, for sterner duty.

"Remember," Frona called to him, "you must come and see me." "Too busy, I'm afraid, just now. Good-by. So long, Dave." "Jemimy!" Dave remarked, staring after him; "but he's a hustler. Always busy with big things, too. Wonder why he didn't go in for dogs?" But Corliss did go back to see her, and before the day was out. A little bitter self-communion had not taken long to show him his childishness.

"Yes I can," said Reuben, quietly; "I guess ye feel suthin ez I uster baout Jemimy, sorter light inside an so pleased like ye don't keer a copper ef ye live or die. Yes, I know mor'n ye think I dew baout the feelin's a feller hez long o' women, on'y ye see it didn't come ter nothin with Jemimy, fer wen my fust crop failed, an I was tuk for debt, Peleg got her arter all."