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Updated: August 13, 2024

"Say," he remarked to me in a confidential undertone, though pitched quite loud enough for Miss Browne's ears, "is it real? Would it have bendable j'ints, now, same as you and me?" Miss Browne whirled upon him. "'Old your tongue, you 'orrid brute!" she shrieked.

And yet it caused him some misgivings that Mrs. Arnot had not indicated more clearly this short-cut out of his difficulties. But Mr. Growther's theology carried the day. As he watched the young man's thoughtful face he thought the occasion ripe for the "word in season." "Now is the time," he said; "now while yer moral j'ints is limber.

Combin' it didn' do no good; he wuk at it ha'f de night wid er Jim Crow , en think he git it straighten' out, but in de mawnin' de grapes 'ud be dere des de same. So he gin it up, en tried ter keep de grapes down by havin' his ha'r cut sho't." "But dat wa'nt de quares' thing 'bout de goopher. When Henry come ter de plantation, he wuz gittin' a little ole an stiff in de j'ints.

"You'd run sheep till you was bent and gray, and the rheumatiz' got set in your j'ints, me gerrel, before you'd win to the half of half a million. Here it comes to you while you're young, with the keenness to relish it and the free hand to spend the interest off of it, and sail over the seas and see the world you're longin' to know and understand."

"Things is higher now, and I'm older, and the resk's bigger," Mark complained. "How fur apart do they lay?" "You ought to get around in a week or two." "But that ain't figgerin' the time a feller has to lay out in the bresh waitin' and takin' rheumatiz in his j'ints. I couldn't touch the job for the old figger; things is higher."

En nex' spring, w'en he rub de sap on ag'in, he got young ag'in, en so soopl en libely dat none er de young niggers on de plantation could n' jump, ner dance, ner hoe ez much cotton ez Henry. But in de fall er de year his grapes 'mence' ter straighten out, en his j'ints ter git stiff, en his ha'r drap off, en de rheumatiz begin ter wrastle wid 'im.

One of her stifle j'ints " The mare's owner interrupted at this juncture: "You jest turn your mouth on, don't you, Tex, and go off and leave it?" "I happened to know a little somethin' about this harse," apologetically began "Tex," whose other name was McGonnigle, "so I thought " "So you thought you'd butt in and queer the sale of it.

En nex' spring, w'en he rub de sap on ag'in, he got young ag'in, en so soopl en libely dat none er de young niggers on de plantation couldn' jump, ner dance, ner hoe ez much cotton ez Henry. But in de fall er de year his grapes begun ter straighten out, en his j'ints ter git stiff, en his ha'r drap off, en de rheumatiz begin ter wrastle wid 'im.

"You'd better be keerful, doctor," said Uncle Beamish. "You don't want to git rheumatism in your j'ints on this Christmas mornin'. Here's this horse-blanket that we are settin' on. We don't need it, and you'd better wrap it round you, after you git in, to keep your legs warm." "Oh, do!" said Miss Burroughs. "It may look funny, but we will not meet anybody so early as this."

Perhaps she 'ad a few wire pins in her 'natomy; but no j'ints proper." "So you believe in this ghost?" "Can't help it, yer honour." "Simon, I don't. There's some deep-laid scheme on foot somewhere; and I think I can guess who's working it." Simon started. "You don't think that 'ere waccinatin', sumnamblifyin' willain 'ev got the thing in 'and?" I didn't speak, but looked keenly at him.

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