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I am aware that no language of a superior officer can warrant a retort from an inferior; but, as what I intended to imply by that language is not yet known, although Captain Hawkins has given an explanation to his; I shall merely say, that I meant no more by my insinuations, than Captain Hawkins did at the time by those which he made use of with respect to me.

"Agitated by a daily and hourly exposure to the importunities of Charles; insulted by the suspicions which the insinuations of Buckingham had excited in the minds of her companions; friendless Helpless hopeless dreading that she might be betrayed by her ignorance of the world into some unforeseen evil, and knowing that even in the event of Percy's return, her engagement with him must long remain unfulfilled, the unhappy girl naturally looked upon her union with me as the only deliverance from the assailing misfortunes; and in an hour of desperation she gave me her hand.

"But if I hurt it I am sorry," and he stroked the place that should have been red. "If you are going, why don't you go?" Grace demanded, then added meaningly: "I guess they are glad we are lazy." "Please don't make any insinuations," said Betty, her nose in the air, but Allen sent a laughing shot back at them before they disappeared into the denser wood.

These insinuations made the greater impression as they were delivered with many expressions of friendship and concern. The young gentleman was not so raw, but that he could perceive the solidity of Mr.

Instantly, he remembered what the result would be if he should yield to his impulse. Wild with indignation, rage, and burning shame, he knew that to betray himself would be to invite a thousand sneering questions and insinuations to besmirch the name of the girl he loved.

I no longer dare attend our meetings, for all around me I hear whisperings and insinuations, and my name being passed from one mouth to another along with references to my past actions. The torture is becoming unendurable. Some of these cowards even descend to taunting me with their knowledge; and when I, in any way, cross their purposes in our discussions, they threaten me covertly with exposure.

"And now," he said, "that we are at our ease, may I inquire what the devil you mean by your insinuations about my wife?" "Oh," replied Valdarno, affecting great indifference, "I only say what everybody says. There is no offence to the Duchessa." "I should suppose not, indeed. Go on." "Do you really care to hear the story?" asked the young man.

The thought was intolerable to him, and, finishing his dinner with hasty gulps, he left the hall. "Brogten, how rude you were to Kennedy," said Lillyston. "Was I?" said Brogten, in a tone of sarcasm and defiance. "No wonder he blushed at your coarse insinuations." "No wonder," said Brogten, in the same tone; "am I the only person who makes coarse insinuations, as you call them?"

But most of the statements and insinuations, even those which were unsupported by a tittle of evidence nay, even those which were notoriously groundless related to and were interwoven with circumstances which, as the persons involved well knew, would not bear discussion. It would never do to permit such matters to become the subject of judicial investigation.

It was with exquisite pain that Count Altenberg had heard all that had been said of Caroline he did not give credit to half the insinuations he despised those who made them: he knew that some of the ladies spoke from envy, others from the mere love of scandal; but still, altogether, an impression unfavourable to Caroline, or rather unfavourable to his passion for Caroline, was left on his mind.