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On this account he was more than tolerated he had many friends out of his own faith. "Such a business!" he went on, using his hands, without which he used to say he could not talk. "Well, what is it now?" asked Dunk with good-humored patience. "Neckties or silk shirts?" for Ikey was working his way through college partly by acting as agent for various tradesmen, getting a commission on his sales.

I imparted my secret to him, because I had never quite forgotten his throwing his cap at the bell; because I had, on another occasion, noticed something very like a fur cap, lying not far from the bell, one night when it had burst out ringing; and because I had remarked that we were at our ghostliest whenever he came up in the evening to comfort the servants. Let me do Ikey no injustice.

"Good-night! We'd make a nice fumble, wouldn't we, if we didn't wear the uniform? What would it be a month in the brig on hard tack and water?" "Say!" murmured the eager Ikey Rosenmeyer, "there's a side door. I'll call Abe, the waiter, out there and tell him. If those fellows have gone into one of the booths " "Bully!" cried Torry. "Maybe he can sneak us into one next to 'em.

"Thanks," said Andy, softly, after a pause. "I I guess I understand what you mean, Stein." He held out his hand, which was warmly clasped. "Then you will go for a walk maybe?" asked Ikey, eagerly. "I I think I will," spoke Andy, softly. "I don't understand it; but I'll go." "You you'll find him there," went on Ikey. "I sent him out to meet you!"

"If Linder is his name," Whistler said, when the boys were afterward talking it over among themselves, "I hope I'll see him again some time. He was never blown up with the dam, that is sure." "You don't think he was 'hoist with his own petard, then?" suggested Torry. "Hear the high-brow!" sniffed Frenchy. "Oi, oi!" cried Ikey. "He means was he blown up, too? I bet not!"

If I don't stop them, the stage hands would be always slipping him drinks. I hope you won't give him none." "I will not!" said Herrick. The bears, Ikey in one cage and Bruno and Clara in another, travelled by express to the station nearest the Herrick estate.

The white-coated bartenders threw themselves featfully upon bottle, cork and glass. From a score of clear Havanas the air received its paradox of clouds. The leal and the hopeful shook Billy McMahan's hand. And there was born suddenly in the worshipful soul of Ikey Snigglefritz an audacious, thrilling impulse.

"Well, I give him credit for it," spoke Andy, musingly. "He works hard, and he's making good. I understand he's in line for one of the best scholarships." "Then he'll get it!" affirmed Dunk. "I never knew a fellow yet, like Ikey, who didn't get what he set out after. I declare! it makes me ashamed, sometimes, to think of all the advantages we have, and that we don't do any better.

At the end of the third Chukkers, for the first time for seven years, no longer headed the list of winning jockeys. Then Ikey carried off his jockey to the States to break his luck. It was on this visit, at some old-fashioned meeting in the Southern States, so the story went, Chukkers discovered the mare from Blue Mounds.

Billy here's got the mumps an' he lemme tech 'em so's I can get 'em, so's my papa and mama'll lemme do just perzactly like I want to; but you're a Jew and Jews ain't got no business to have the mumps, so you better get 'way. I paid Billy 'bout a million dollars' worth to lemme tech his mumps," he said proudly. "Get 'way; you can't have em." Ikey had promptly stopped at the gate.