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Updated: August 9, 2024

I have already telephoned for a stable-car to be on the siding in the morning." "Yes, sir. Wot she needs is dry hair, an' the 'igher the better," said the crooked man, nodding. "They will put her on her feet again," agreed Mr. Bolter. "The balsam air around Cliffdale is the right lung-healer for man or beast." He went out and Betty heard the girls calling to her.

"What kind of flavor?" demanded Barnabas, coming a step nearer, though in a somewhat stately fashion. "Why, a gamey flavor, to be sure, young sir; a 'igh flavor ah! the 'igher the better. Specially in books. Now here," continued the Chapman, holding up the volume he had been reading. "'Ere's a book as ain't to be ekalled nowheers nor nohow not in Latin nor Greek, nor Persian, no, nor yet 'Indoo.

A few others moved off, head turned over shoulder, as if doubtful of the policy of leaving while Ernestine was explaining things. The great majority turned up their coat collars and stood their ground. The maid hurriedly produced an umbrella and held it over the lady. ''Igher up, please, miss! Caun't see, said a youth behind.

You don't know 'ow valuable that mattress is." "I know it's a good one, sir, else you wouldn't 'ave it," says Bill. "Would a couple o' pounds buy it, sir?" The second mate hum'd and ha'd, but Bill was afeard to go any 'igher. So far as 'e could make out from Jimmy, the mattress was worth about eighteen pence to anybody who wasn't pertiklar.

Then, putting his head under the tent wall, he called, as a 'bus conductor calls in a block, ''Igher up, there! 'Igher up! The men laughed, and the laughter was carried down wind to the deserter, who, hearing that he had made a mistake, went off to worry his own regiment half a mile away. He was received with shots; the Aurangabadis were very angry with him for disgracing their colours.

Fitzgerald would be at home this afternoon?" "Oh, yes, sir, 'e will," answered Mrs. Sampson, "a-drinkin' tea with his young lady, who is Miss Frettlby, and 'as got no end of money, not but what I mightn't 'ave 'ad the same 'ad I been born in a 'igher spear." "You need not tell Mr. Fitzgerald I have been here," said Gorby, closing the gate; "I'll probably call and see him myself this afternoon."

"I'm givin 'em a serees of addresses on the 'Igher Life when the jumpin' season's over." The little ostler looked at his watch. "You'd better step it," he said, "you and your Hired Life. It's past eleben and the bells have stopped. If you ain't there before her, you'll get the stick, you will." Albert moved slowly up the gangway behind the loose-boxes, unheeding the other's taunts.

"And for what d'ye think I called out Putney thin?" "'Cause it's my name, or rayther the bus's name. This 'ere IS a Putney." "How can it be a Putney whin it isn't goin' to Putney, ye gomerhawk?" "Ain't you an Hirishwoman?" retorted the conductor. "Course yer are. But yer aren't always goin' to Ireland. We're goin' to Putney in time, only we're a-going to Liverpool Street fust. 'Igher up, Jim."

Dahn squats one on his backside an' writes something in 'igh words. Up pops another and says something in 'igher; an' so they go on poppin' up an' squattin' dahn till you get an atmosphere where you can't breathe; and all the time all we want is to be let alone, and 'uman kindness do the rest. All these fellers 'ave got two weaknesses one's ideas, and the other's their own importance.

Oh! thank yer, miss, my 'ealth is pretty tidy, though I 'ave been plagued this winter with a something they call the 'flenzy. I wor very bad! 'Yo go to bed, Mrs. Jellison, says Dr. Sharpe, 'or yo'll know of it. But I worn't goin' to be talked to by 'im. Why, I knowed 'im when he wor no 'igher nor Johnnie.

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