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'But you ought to, you know: you'll find people very glad to see you if you only cultivate them. There was something, however, in Mark's manner of saying this that suggested a consciousness that this might be a purely personal experience. 'Shall I? said Holroyd. 'I don't know.

The three men in the boat pulled him out and brought him aboard, and that night he died. Holroyd and the captain came out of the cabin in which the swollen and contorted body of the lieutenant lay and stood together at the stern of the monitor, staring at the sinister vessel they trailed behind them. It was a close, dark night that had only phantom flickerings of sheet lightning to illuminate it.

'Caffyn is sure to know; do it at once, like a good fellow. 'You stay here then, and look out for the train, said Mark, as he hurried to the telegraph office, leaving Holroyd thinking how thoughtful and considerate his once selfish friend had become. Mark sent the telegram, which ended, 'He knows nothing as yet. I leave him to you.

The chief attendant of the three dynamos that buzzed and rattled at Camberwell, and kept the electric railway going, came out of Yorkshire, and his name was James Holroyd. He was a practical electrician, but fond of whisky, a heavy red-haired brute with irregular teeth. He doubted the existence of the deity, but accepted Carnot's cycle, and he had read Shakespeare and found him weak in chemistry.

One thing he had ascertained from the Langtons Vincent Holroyd had certainly followed the couple to Laufingen, and they had seen him there Harold had found Mrs. Langton full of the wonderful news of the return of the dead.

And he turned on his heel and marched downstairs, leaving Mark with a superstitious fear at his heart at his last words, and some annoyance with Holroyd for having exposed him to this, and even with himself for turning craven at the first panic. 'I must look up that infernal book again! he thought. 'Holroyd may have libelled half London in it for all I know.

Mark extricated himself from the hubbub as soon as he could, and got hold of the steward. There was a gentleman on board of the name of Holroyd; he seemed well enough, as far as the steward knew, though a bit poorly when he first came aboard, to be sure; he was in his berth just then getting his things together to go ashore, but he'd be up on deck directly.

Katherine Holroyd called her a coquette, Austin whatever the whim of a cultured fancy suggested, and Lord Banstead a little devil. As for Dick, he called her nothing. His love was too great; his vocabulary too small. Lord Banstead was a neighbour who, in the course of three months, had proposed several times to Viviette.

"Frisby, fat, nervous, and sentimental, hopped out of the cart. "'Come, said the professor, impatiently moving across the dunes. I walked with Daisy Holroyd. McPeek and Frisby followed. The yellow dog walked by himself. "The sun was dipping into the sea as we trudged across the meadows towards a high, dome-shaped dune covered with cedars and thickets of sweet bay.

Like Holroyd, he had known Mabel from a child, and as she grew up had felt her attraction too much for his peace of mind. His one misgiving in going on the stage had been lest it should lessen his chance of finding favour with her. This fear proved groundless: Mabel had not altered to him in the least.