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When he returned he found that Holroyd had secured an empty compartment in the train which was preparing to start, and Mark got in with a heavy apprehension of the danger of a long journey alone with Holroyd. He tried to avoid conversation by sheltering himself behind a local journal, while at every stoppage he prayed that a stranger might come to his rescue.

He would not give up even yet, until he had seen Holroyd, and been able to pump him judiciously; until then he must bear the dismal suspicion that he had overreached himself. One of his shafts at least had not fallen altogether wide, for as Mark and Mabel were being driven home across the Park, she said suddenly: 'So Harold knew that Vincent was alive, then?

On his right hand sat Katherine Holroyd, on his left Viviette, and between her and his mother was Austin. With Viviette talking to Austin and Mrs. Ware to Katherine, he felt lonely and disregarded in a kind of polar waste of snowy tablecloth. Once Katherine, escaping from Mrs.

'I choose this, then! said Mark, violently, and tearing the notes up, he flung them over the railings to drift down on the rocks or into the tossing grey foam beyond. 'You need not have done that, said Holroyd, coldly; 'there were the poor. But just as you please! and he made a movement as if to go. Mark stopped him with a gesture. 'Are you going like this? he said, and his voice trembled.

Every day Holroyd determined that he would put an end to it as soon as he could with decency, as a nameless something in Caffyn's manner jarred on him more and more, while nothing but policy restrained Caffyn himself from provoking an open rupture.

'You don't speak as if you quite meant me to believe that, she said. 'I'm afraid the book was not practical enough to please you, Vincent. Ceylon seems to have hardened you. 'Very possibly, he replied; and then followed a short silence, during which Mabel was thinking that he had certainly altered hardly for the better, and Holroyd was wondering how much longer he would have to bear this.

'I should like to let him know what I think about it, said Holroyd. 'Exactly well, let me see, I ought to have his address somewhere. I had a letter from him only the other day did I put it on my file? no, here it is yes. "Hotel Rheinfall, Gross Laufingen, Switzerland," if you write to your friend any time this month, it will find him there.

'I'm quite real, however, said Holroyd, laughing; 'there's more of me now than when they carried me on board from Colombo; don't look so alarmed the voyage has brought me round again, I'm my old self again.

"My Lord bides his time," said Azuma-zi to himself. "The iniquity of the fool is not yet ripe." And he waited and watched for the day of reckoning. One day there was evidence of short circuiting, and Holroyd, making an unwary examination it was in the afternoon got a rather severe shock. Azuma-zi from behind the engine saw him jump off and curse at the peccant coil.

'Oh, in that case, if it's anything I can do, you know but what is it? 'Well, said Holroyd, 'the fact is I never told a soul till now but I've written a book. 'Never mind, old boy, said Mark, with a light laugh; for the confession, or perhaps a certain embarrassment with which it was made, seemed to put Holroyd more on a level with himself.