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This angry expression slipped past Hi's lips unguardedly. By this time Dick Prescott was on shore. His quick, keen glances took in the patent fact that some one had removed all the discarded clothing from sight. "So Ted Teall was around here, and you knew that he was going to take our clothing?" demanded Dick, flashing a searching look at Hi Martin.

There's no damage done that can't be set right with a screw-driver afore I go." Then, with another turn-about that embraced the company, "Proposed an' seconded that Mrs Steele do take the chair. Those in favour say 'Hi! the contrary 'No. . . . The Hi's 'ave it." Mrs Steele resumed her little speech. A pink spot showed upon either cheek, but she spoke bravely.

A sharp, though not loud report followed, and a bullet plowed into the ground. There was a flash at the end of the ferrule, though but a barely perceptible amount of smoke. "So, M. Lemaire, you carry a pistol cane, that uses smokeless powder and shoots steel-jacketed bullets?" inquired Jack, turning to the prisoner, who, white-faced, stood gnashing hi's teeth in helpless rage.

As I recollec' Hi's wrastlin' out some pie-dough right now." "Well, I ain't takin' no chances, Bud." "You tell that to Hi and see what he says." "Nope. 'T ain't necessary. You see when them docs seen, about a week after, that I was comin' strong instead of goin', they says, 'Me man, if you'd 'a' had pie in your stummick when you was shot, you wouldn't be here to-day.

That youth had just turned a corner, swinging from his left hand a pudgy rubber bag of the kind that is used for holding a wet bathing suit. "Hello, Prescott," was Hi's greeting. "Are you all ready to be left behind in the spray tomorrow?" "If you can leave me there," Dick smiled. "Been out for a practice swim, have you?"

Besides," she added, sadly, "Hi's as much interested in this thing as I be. If the farm's got to be sold, it puts Hi out of a job." "Oh, very well," said the real estate man, and he drew a rather soiled, folded paper from his inner pocket. He seemed to hesitate the fraction of a second about showing the paper. It increased Hi's suspicion this hesitancy.

Muir was much scandalized and looked anxiously at her husband, wishing him to take her out. But help came from an unexpected quarter, and Hi suddenly called out: "Here you, Bill, shut your blanked jaw, and you, Bruce, give the man a chance to work off his music." "That's so! Fair play! Go on!" were the cries that came in response to Hi's appeal.

Bill was none too sure of himself, but Hi, with delightful winks, was indicating Bruce as the Pharisee, to the latter's scornful disgust. The preacher must have noticed, for with a very clever turn the Pharisee was shown to be the kind of man who likes to fit faults upon others. Then Bill, digging his elbows into Hi's ribs, said in an audible whisper: "Say, pardner, how does it fit now?"

'Do my hi's deceive me! cried Mr. Bumble, with ill-feigned enthusiasm, 'or is that little Oliver? Oh O-li-ver, if you know'd how I've been a-grieving for you 'Hold your tongue, fool, murmured Mrs. Bumble. 'Isn't natur, natur, Mrs. Bumble? remonstrated the workhouse master.

Red it was, in spite of Hi's denial, but of such marvellous, indescribable shade that in certain lights, as she rode over the prairie, it streamed behind her like a purple banner. A most confusing and bewildering color, but quite in keeping with the nature of the owner.