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Updated: August 5, 2024

You have influence with your friends here, Mr. Micah. If you will collect the men, women, and children of this neighborhood together, some afternoon, in your beautiful grove, I will promise to give them not a long sermon, but something that will do them good to hear". "I can't dew it no heow.

I kinder guess as heow I kin cut the thing. It 'peers to be all o' one piece, an' 'll peel off yeer body like a rope o' rushes. Ef I cut it, theer'll be a chance for ye. Theer's only one o' the verming ahint the mound. Yeer hoss air theer; make for the anymal mount 'im, an' put off like a streak o' greased lightnin'! Neow!"

He has taken the place of Aunt Patty, who is tired out and has gone to rest". "Well, that piece of flesh, what's called McNab, has the greatest fakkilty of gittin' tired eout when there's any work reound, that ever I see. Any heow, she's got to stir herself this time. But I want to see the minister, neow". "Yes, I will speak to him. But I shall not call Aunt Patty. She is tired now.

John viewed the scenes through which they glided with eager eye. Micah's countenance expressed intense satisfaction. He sat bolt upright in the stern of the canoe, steering with his paddle, his keen bullet eyes dancing from side to side examining every object as they passed along. Both were silent. At length, Micah exclaimed, "Well, Captin', this is the pootiest way of livin' I know on, any heow.

"Wal, it seems you don't," said she, "though I don' deny but you may know heow ter give 'em; an' ez I alluz like ter du w'at good I kin, I'm gwine ter show ye." "Show away," says I; "but I'll be bound, I've knit and sold and eaten up more mittens than ever you put your hands in!" "Du tell!

Morris," said the officer, "your wife has agreed to keep my letters for me " "Yaas," broke in the postmaster. "I know'd she would. Yeou'll find she'll dew it right, tew. Nobody can't come enny tricks on her can they, Sue? I wish one o' 'em durn'd deetecters would come around, jest tew see heow she'd pull the wool over 'im.

"Hev you been 'long that ere cross-road 't opens aout through the woods onto the three-mile square?" asked Mr. Jonathan. "I've been a thinkin' on't as heow the young uns might ha took that ere ef they was flustered beout knowin' the way neow mos' likely." "Oh, what a splendid, good man you are!" said Gypsy, jumping up and down, and clapping her hands with delight.

Wal, w'en he left me at the bars, I agreed we'd be merried the fifteenth day uv July comin', an' I walked hum; an' I mind heow I wondered ef Eve wuz so happy in Paradise, or ef Paradise wuz half so beautiful ez thet scented lane.

Did ye ever think," he resumed, "o' what a wonderful thing ile is, an' what 'd we dew without 'er? heow the wringin' machine 'ud seound when ye was turnin' on 'er for yer wife, Monday mornin's?" "No," said I sadly. "Then ag'in, it 's ile in yer natur' keeps ye ca'm an' c'llected, an' it's ile in yer dispersition l'arns ye t' say, 'Moderation 's the rewl, even in passnips."

"That's jest the way I expected yeou'd look", said he, "when I told ye abeout it, because ye knew I used to talk agin it, like fury. But ye see, Captin'; I aint just as I used to be, abeout some things. I'll tell ye heow it came reound, any heow, so as to sahtisfy ye I ain't crazy.

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