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Updated: August 1, 2024

He was undecided as to whether he should go as an Indian or as a courtier of the time of Charles II. Auchmuty Stein, of the Bowery, who supplies costumes and wigs at reasonable rates, was of the opinion that a neat sailor suit of light blue silk and decorated with white anchors was about the "brettiest thing in the shop, and sheap at fife dollars;" but Hefty said he never saw a sailor in silk yet, and he didn't think they ever wore it.

And while I glared he wrapped his hand lovingly about his cup, holding the spoon imprisoned between first and second fingers, and took another sibilant mouthful. "Any more of your back talk and I'll drink it out of m' saucer an' blow on it like the hefty party over there in the earrings is doin'. Calm yerself an' try a Bismarck." I picked up one of the flaky confections and eyed it in despair.

Heritage? is in the old Tower, and you think that they think the Princess is still there and will sit round the place like terriers. Sometime to-day the Danish brig wall arrive with reinforcements, and then there will be a hefty fight. Well, the first thing to be done it to get rid of Loudon's stymie with the authorities. Princess, I'm going to carry you off in my car to the Chief Constable.

"I'm making the people here look better than they ever did before," thought Janie, with pardonable pride in her ability. "I make Mrs. Brimblecom look ever so much less hefty, and I'm sure Mrs. Hodgkins says she never looked as well in any gown she ever wore, as in the one I finished for her last week. "And that skinny woman, now whatever was her name?

It's worse an' more of it, an' I want to get quit of it soon's I can. 'Tain't no ways likely grandpa's hereabouts, an' My, but you're a hefty little darlin'! If I wasn't afraid to let you, I'd have ye walk a spell. But you might get runned over by some them ingines what won't stay still no place an' I dastn't, you dear, precious sweetness, you!

"Why is it that wimmen deacons have to remain onmarried, while men deacons can marry one wife after another through a long life, that is, if they are took from 'em by death or a divorce lawyer?" "Wall," sez Josiah, "that, too, is on account of their brains. Their brains hain't so hefty es men's." But I jest waded into the argument then. I jest interfered, and sez in a loud, clear tone,

"Ah," said Stalky, annexing it, for he was treasurer. "We'll have a hefty brew. You'd pretty average cool cheek, Turkey, to jaw about our keenness an' punctuality." "Didn't the old boy know we were defaulters?" said Beetle. "Not him. He came down to lunch with the Head. I found him pokin' about the place on his own hook afterwards, an' I thought I'd show him the giddy drill.

"And you can tell your friend Devereux that, if he doesn't stop poking his nose into my private business, I'll pull it off." "Well," said Freddie doubtfully, "of course I don't suppose you know, but . . . Ronny's a pretty hefty bird. He boxed for Cambridge in the light-weights the last year he was up, you know. He . . ." Derek slammed the door. Freddie was alone.

"It ought to be returned, whether we get a reward or not." "Exactly as I think." There was a narrow passageway behind the chamber and Sam Barringford squeezed into this. "Don't reckon I can make it," he panted presently. "Seems like I was a leetle too hefty. Dave, do you want to try it? Might be an opening to the outside world, an' if there is, we won't have to go through thet water ag'in."

"If you could show me how to get your two-fisted man when he comes back or even the one with the red coat and the spurs and the fine line of talk " "I ain't sayin' he ain't a man from the ground up too," Brad broke in. "Considerin' his opportunities he's a right hefty young fellow. But Tom Morse he " "That's it exactly. Tom Morse he " "Keep right on makin' fun o' me.

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