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Grim, savage Shelton, who has a civil word for nobody, and a hard blow for anybody. Hard! One blow given with the proper play of his athletic arm will unsense a giant. Yonder individual, who strolls about with his hands behind him, supporting his brown coat lappets, undersized, and who looks anything but what he is, is the king of the light-weights, so-called Randall!

"I've seen many a set-to in Commercial Road and taken a hand sometimes. Is it really quite necessary to my education?" "Absolutely indispensable. You must do everything and be seen everywhere. If I had time, I'd give you the personal history of half the light-weights in this room. Look at that black crow in the corner there.

Crawford has a box to the fight to-night, and he thought perhaps you'd like to go along with us." "A boxing-match?" "Ten rounds, light-weights; and fast boys, too. Both Irish." "Really, I shall be glad to go." "Webb?" "Yes." "Never use that word 'really' to me. It's un-Irish." Thomas heard a chuckle before the receiver at the other end clicked on the hook.

"You're in fatigue dress?" "Yes, sir. Old custom, sir. Like the feel of it, sir." "Been here long?" "Ten years, sir." "Why, how's this? You don't look a day over forty." "Forty-two, sir. Joined the band at home as a boy. Sixteenth Lancers, sir." "What's your name?" "Hinge, sir. Robert Hinge, sir. Son of Bob Hinge, sir. Tattenham Fancy. Champion of the light-weights years back, sir." "Oh!

The students of all classes gather in a circle around them to watch the sport. First the light-weights try a tussle for the cane; then the middles, and lastly the heavys. It is not so much strength as skill that wins, and the victors keep their canes as trophies, and are proud to show them for the rest of their lives."

Not a man was with me to hand a spare rifle. My cowardly fellows, although light-weights and well mounted, were nowhere; the natives were outrun, as of course was Richarn, who, not being a good rider, had preferred to hunt on foot.

A sanguinary heavy-weight encounter was followed by the first bout of the feathers and the second of the light-weights, and then it was Allen's turn to fight the Harrow representative. It was not a very exciting bout. Allen took things very easily.

Harcourt and Mordaunt, descending the accommodation ladder in the rear of the remainder of their party, were greeted by Morton, at the wheel of the picket-boat, with a broad grin. "Come on," he ejaculated impatiently. "Hop in! We've got to get back and be hoisted in. Who won the Light-weights by the same token?" "Billy did," replied Harcourt.

The football fifteen had been hopeless, and had lost both the Ripton matches, the return by over sixty points. Sheen's victory in the light-weights at Aldershot had been their one success. And now, on top of all this, the captain of cricket was removed during the Easter holidays. Mike's heart bled for Wrykyn, and he found himself loathing Sedleigh and all its works with a great loathing.

One of the most ardent fishermen on the island was one Kino a gentleman who weighed eighteen stone; and, as my canoe was only intended for two light-weights like myself, I always tried to avoid meeting him, for not only was he most persistent in his desire to see how I managed to get so many mullet, but was most anxious to learn to speak English.