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Updated: July 31, 2024

And men use therefore in springing time and in harvest to slit the rinds, and to gather the humour that cometh out thereof, and drink it in stead of wine. Hards is the cleansing of hemp or of flax. For with much breaking, heckling, and rubbing, hards are departed fro the substance of hemp and of flax, and is great when it is departed, and more knotty, short, and rough.

The Speaker intervened at this stage, and the subject dropped. Heckling began at this point; word was quickly sent to the Speaker, and he intervened, ruling the subject closed. Now consider the Secretary for Scotland's statement. "It would not be in accordance with precedent to state reasons for the exercise of prerogative."

Heckling, threats, fervid oratory had no effect on the favoring Senators. Filibustering continued all through Wednesday and Thursday, except when the Senate recessed to listen to Governor Brough of Arkansas, who touched on the justice of suffrage for women in an effective manner. Finally their swan song was due and came from Senator W. A. Johnston of Houston, intimate friend of ex-Senator Bailey.

The first few years after the 1900 election saw us a solidly united opposition in Parliament for the first time for ten years. Question time was a positive joy to us younger members, who developed almost diabolical capacity for heckling Ministers on every conceivable topic under the sun. Our hostility to the Boer War also brought us into perennial conflict with the Government.

"She's heckling someone now take my word for it," she said. Then her face wrinkled up, shrewdly humorous. "What are you thinking, child?" she asked. "Thinking of how oddly we in the world talk of the friends we go to visit? I don't trouble the Court much. But I am interested in Gerald's boy. I should like to know how he is going to turn out. Not much of her Ladyship in him, I fancy."

But though the references in the sermon to that unhappy object of interest in the front pew were many and pointed, his time had not really come until the minister signed to him to advance as far as the second step of the pulpit stairs. The nervous father clenched the railing in a daze, and cowered before the ministerial heckling.

What did he want of Miss Falconer? What was he doing in this military galley? Hopeless queries, without the key to the puzzle! "Well?" I said. "I don't ask you," he went on crisply, "what you're doing here " "You had better not!" I snapped. "What tomfoolery is this? Do you think you are a police officer heckling a crook? And why should you ask me such a question any more than I should ask you?"

Both men turned and stared at her, pleasure and affection in their eyes. "So you've been heckling poor Robin as usual," she said, stroking her father's cheek. "Heckling poor Robin and getting your hair on end like a fretful porcupine. I'll never be able to make you into a nice, sweet, quiet old gentleman." "Turn your attention to him," said the General, indicating his nephew by an unfriendly nod.

It was a slack season for the newspapers, and his little trouble, which might have received a paragraph in a busy week, was set forth fully in three-quarters of a column. The column was headed, 'Amusing Heckling'. Mr Bickersdyke read a few lines, and crumpled the paper up with a snort. The next he examined was an organ of his own shade of political opinion.

"I would not advise you to make a practice of that, sir," says I. "I feel sure you would not find it to agree with you." "Tit you effer hear where Alan Grigor fand the tangs?" said he. I asked him what he could possibly mean, and he answered, with a heckling laugh, that he thought I must have found the poker in the same place and swallowed it.

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