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The lady who insists upon this will not be annoyed by having her dishes washed with dark, musty and greasy rags, as is too frequently the case. Under the sink should be kept a slop-pail; and, on a shelf by it, a soap-dish and two water-pails. A large boiler of warm soft water should always be kept over the fire, well covered, and a hearth-broom and bellows be hung near the fire.

"Thar's some walnut sticks amongst thet wood," she said as she replaced the hearth-broom, "an' they pops awful." From a pouch-like basket, made of skilfully interwoven hickory strips, and hanging against the wall, she took a half-finished stocking and a ball of yarn. Drawing a low rocking-chair up into the light, she seated herself and began knitting.

Augustus Sheppard?" Miss Blanchet asked softly. "How will he take your going away?" "I have not asked him, Mary. But I can tell you if you care to know. He will take it with perfect composure. He has about as much capacity for foolish affection as your hearth-broom there." "I think you are mistaken, Minola I do indeed. I think that man is really " "Well. Is really what?"

He cut off some bristles from a hearth-broom in the doctor's chambers, and sent them in a letter to his fellow-enthusiast. Long afterwards Johnson was pleased to hear of this simple-minded homage, and not only sent a copy of the Lives of the Poets to the rural philosopher, but deigned to grant him a personal interview. Dearer than any such praise was the approval of Johnson's wife.

'Here's one on 'em, cried Mark, 'Hannibal Chollop. 'Don't let him in, said Martin, feebly. 'He won't want any letting in, replied Mark. 'He'll come in, sir. Which turned out to be quite true, for he did. His face was almost as hard and knobby as his stick; and so were his hands. His head was like an old black hearth-broom.

The proprietor of this charming retreat, and owner of the ragged head before mentioned for he wore an old tie-wig as bare and frowzy as a stunted hearth-broom had by this time joined them; and stood a little apart, rubbing his hands, wagging his hoary bristled chin, and smiling in silence.

Midwinter smiled, and came to his friend's assistance with the natural neat-handedness of a sailor. The first object that he encountered was Allan's dressing-case, turned upside down, with half the contents scattered on the floor, and with a duster and a hearth-broom lying among them.

My constitution is tremulous, my voice was never loud, and, in point of stature, I have been from infancy, small. I have the greatest respect for Maria Jane's Mama. She is a most remarkable woman. I honour Maria Jane's Mama. In my opinion she would storm a town, single-handed, with a hearth-broom, and carry it. I have never known her to yield any point whatever, to mortal man.

Almost at the same moment there burst out of a remote room the nursery an upright, fair, noble boy, of some five years old, who began careering along on the corridor, astride upon a hearth-broom. She did not need to be told it was her boy, Archibald; his likeness to Mr. Carlyle would have proclaimed it, even if her heart had not.

The idea of love in connection with a damp, dirty, wounded, nose-plastered, hair-ravelled giant, with beard enough to make an average hearth-broom, never entered her fair head. If suggested to her she would have laughed it to scorn had it been possible for one so bright and "funny" to become scornful. As for Jeff he more than suspected what had happened in regard to himself.