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Updated: August 6, 2024

And, indeed, it was as comfortable as anyone made me think it could be. There was a real bedroom I never slept in a berth, but in a brass bed, just as saft and comfortable as ever I could ha' known in ma own wee hoose at hame. Then there was a sitting room, as nice and hamely as you please, where I could rest and crack, whiles we were waiting in a station, wi' friends wha came callin'.

The honest farmer, in the extravagance of his joy, carried his freedom farther than the hint warranted, for he imprinted his thanks on the lady's lips, and was instantly shocked at the rudeness of his own conduct. "Lord-sake, madam, I ask your pardon," he. said; "I forgot but ye had been a bairn o' my ain the Captain's sae hamely, he gars ane forget himsell." Old Pleydell now advanced.

I've my ain ways of acting and singing, and unless I feel richt and hamely wi' a song I canna do it justice. Sae it's no reflection on an author if I want to change his song about. I keep in touch with several song writers Grafton, J. D. Harper and several others.

Why else do they look as they do, and act as they do, when I sing to them o' the same? And I've the memory of what many a one has said to me, wi' tears in his een. "Oh, Harry ye brocht the auld hame to ma mind when ye sang o' roaming in the gloaming! And the wee hoose amang the heather!" 'Tis the hamely songs I gie 'em o' the country they aye love best, I find.

"It's the cemetery," the woman said, "it's the hamely, quiet cemetery on the hillside. Oh, there's mony a bonny place in my nain bonny toon, but there's nain so hamely like as the cemetery."

"Ah! brave Highlanders and bright claymores," said the Duke, "well do I wish them, 'for a' the ill they've done me yet, as the song goes. But come, madcaps, say a civil word to your countrywoman I wish ye had half her canny hamely sense; I think you may be as leal and true-hearted."

Although I had my share of the civil war, I cannot say I had ever so much real pleasure in that sort of service as when I was employed on the Continent, and we were hacking at fellows with foreign faces and outlandish dialect. It's a hard thing to hear a hamely Scotch tongue cry quarter, and be obliged to cut him down just the same as if he called out misricorde.

He was a hamely man, I found his sheep for him one nicht on this verra hill-side. Mair by token, ye'll find your beasties at hame, and the men and the dogs forebye." The Laird thanked him heartily, and after a while the Dwarf became more liberal-spirited still. "Yese no have to say that ye've been with the Daoiné Shi and are no the better for it," he said. "I'm thinking I'll grant ye three wushes.

We're all alike enow at bottom. It's just that there's more room, more time, more o' maist o' the good things that make life hamely and comfortable, i' the country than i' the city. Air, and sunshine, and space to run and lepp and play for the children. Broad fields not hot, paved streets, full o' rushin' motor cars wi' death under their wheels for the wee bairns.

"What though on hamely fare we dine, Wear hodden grey, and a' that; Gie fools their silks, and knaves their wine, A man's a man for a' that: For a' that and a' that, Their tinsel show, and a' that; The honest man, though e'er sae poor, Is king o' men for a' that."

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