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He dropped his halberd against the wooden fence of the bridge, and felt for his dagger. I caught at his right hand with mine; cries were in my ears St. Denis for France! St. Andrew for Scotland! as the other men on guard came running forth to see the sport.

"Father," she said, "this man is Sir John Manners. Now you may understand why he could not seek my hand openly, and you also know why I could not tell you his name." She again turned to John, and he put his arm about her. You can imagine much better that I can describe Sir George's fury. He snatched a halberd from the hands of a yeoman who was standing near by and started toward John and Dorothy.

The man uttered no cry, only dropped his halberd and staggered back as Leoni passed on into the darkness, his horse running side by side with that of the King. Meanwhile it was almost momentary Saint Simon, who was the next to pass through the narrow pier-bound way, cried out excitedly to his young friend: "Come on, boy! It will be a ride for life."

He started to his feet, loosed the sword in its scabbard; but the Lincolnshire man had his halberd across the gateway. 'Pass! Shew thy pass! he said vindictively. 'I go but to meet him, Poins snarled. 'A good lie; thou goest not, Hogben answered. 'No Englishman goes into the French lands without a pass from the lord controller. An thou keepest a shut head I can e'en keep a shut gate.

It was a gentleman named M. de Leran, who had a sword-cut on the elbow, a gash from a halberd on the arm, and was still pursued by four archers, who all came after him into my bedroom. He, wishing to save himself, threw himself on to my bed; as for me, feeling this man who had hold of me, I threw myself out of bed towards the wall, and he after me, still holding me round the body.

The jangle of a halberd as its bearer let the butt drop heavily on the stone steps added force to the summons. Anne's first impulse was to retreat upstairs, and leave them to do their worst. Her next she was in a state of collapse in which resistance seemed useless was to open. She moved to the door, and with cold hands removed the huge bars and let down the chain.

And lastly, he hath sent thee to me Do not answer I know what thou wouldst say, to me, who, albeit, I am of that small consideration, that it would be too much honour for me even to bear a halberd in this great and victorious army of England, am nevertheless exalted to the rank of holding the guidance and the leading-staff thereof. Nay, do not answer, my friend I know what thou wouldst say.

Steel caps moved to and fro; gigantic shadows wavered; the shadow of a halberd head went across a curtain at one of the lower windows. A crimson-faced man threw open a window and shouted instructions to the sentry left at the door, who in answer shook his head and pointed to the bellowing crowd; the man at the window made a furious gesture and disappeared.

But, hey presto! down they come, in a street hard by even whilst we write, a great panel totters to the ground heraldic shields, with a border of flowers and pomegranates, carved in oak; clusters of grapes and diaper patterns of rich design, emblems of old nobility all in the dust; a hatchment half defaced, a dragon with the gold still about his collar, a bit of an eagle's wing, a halberd snapped in twain all piled together in a heap of ruin!

They appeased those at the first two barricades by telling them that the Queen had promised them satisfaction; but those at the third barricade would not be paid in that coin, for a journeyman cook, advancing with two hundred men, pressed his halberd against the First President, saying, "Go back, traitor, and if thou hast a mind to save thy life, bring us Broussel, or else Mazarin and the Chancellor as hostages."