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"Yes, I saw him; he came afterwards to the fort, and was shown round." "Didn't you speak to him?" "Not I. Don't care much for these niggers." "Oh! but he's no end of a good chap," said Bob. "He can't help being brown. I took him down to the gun-room, and we smoked and talked; he can speak English like fun." "Indeed!" "Yes, indeed; and I tell you what it is, he's worth knowing.

This inhuman act, so unbecoming the character of an officer and a gentleman, we all resented, and retiring to the gun-room in a body, gave three deep and heavy groans in chorus.

Although no human being could exist between the decks forward, the after-part of the lower deck remained free from smoke. In the hopes of getting at the magazine, the carpenter was directed to cut scuttles through the ward-room, and gun-room, so as to get down right above it.

"Of course I remember hearing about the buzzards, but somehow I didn't connect this bird with them. And it was such an east shot " "Yes," said Rupert; "that was the trouble." Kathleen found him in the gun-room smoothing out the feathers of the dead bird. She had already been told of the catastrophe. "What a horrid misfortune," she said sympathetically.

Everybody else, however, seemed to regard it as so wholly a matter of course that Plowden should do as he liked, that he forbore formulating a complaint even to himself. At last, this nobleman's valet descended the stairs once more. "His Lordship will be down very shortly now, sir," he declared "and will you be good enough to come into the gun-room, sir, and see the keeper?"

That part of the plan was as essential to the murderer as the false report, but it seemed strange that the pistol had not been discovered when the room was searched. An examination of the grate upstairs might reveal the reason. Before leaving the gun-room Colwyn replaced one of the pistols and restored the case as he had found it to its original position.

The little detective, as he had said, preferred to work without an audience when he could, so he left Mark to his search, and stole silently away down the passage. He passed two more rooms, and paused at the last door, opposite the foot of a winding stair. This, from what Juliet had said, must be the door of the gun-room.

I made for it, and as I found my hands grasping the combings of the gun-room skylight, the brig, with a sudden jerk, righted again. I thought it was only preparatory to going down. Still I held on. The water rolled away, and disappeared from above and beneath me, and I was able to obtain a clear view along the deck. What a scene of destruction and horror met my view!

Man, I have been down to the gun-room with your friend Beauregard; have seen the head-keeper; got a gun that suits me firstrate a trifle long in the stock, perhaps, but no matter. You won't tip any more than the head-keeper, eh? And the fellow who carries your cartridge-bag?

The sentry of the gun-room door went down the ladder as Mr Culpepper dragged out Tommy, holding him fast by both hands. "Take him, sentry take him in charge. Call the master-at-arms little thief. Mr Dott! Hah well, we'll see." The consequence was, that Mr Tommy Dott was handed from the sentry to the master-at-arms, and taken up on the quarterdeck, followed by Mr Culpepper and his steward.