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A light gleamed from the cabin-windows, and ever and anon, one glanced athwart an open gun-room port. In all other respects, the ship presented but one hue of blackness. Nor was it an easy undertaking, even after the barge was under the lee of the ship, for those in it, to quit its uneasy support and get a firm footing on the cleets that lined the vessel's side like a ladder.

I'm glad to see the gun-room paved in brick muddy boots cannot do any harm there; it will wash as clean as a stable." "It has been the expense I have worried over," ventured Holcomb, as the two settled back in their chair. "The vouchers I was obliged to send you last month, I mean wasn't the plumber's bill putting the screws on a little tight?"

Ramsay was to have a little upstairs drawing-room of her own, in which to deposit her special treasures, and her husband was to turn the gun-room into his study. The delight and excitement of welcoming her father and mother made Merle temporarily dethrone Miss Mitchell in her heart. It was such fun to help to arrange all the things from home, and see how nice they looked in their new surroundings.

The danger of a revival of the flames was past, and the warriors in the great battle felt themselves free to put off their armour and seek refreshment. This they did the males at least in the gun-room, which, being farthest from the fire, and, therefore, left untouched, had not been damaged either by fire or water.

Then I walked round to see that all was right before I went upstairs. It was my custom to do this myself, for, as I have explained, Sir Eustace was not always to be trusted. I went into the kitchen, the butler's pantry, the gun-room, the billiard-room, the drawing-room, and finally the dining-room.

We were using it for a little target practice in the gun-room downstairs." "And what did you do with it afterwards?" "That I cannot tell you," responded Nepcote. "I have no recollection of seeing it since. I have never thought about it." "Nor missed it?" "No. It is no use to me it is not an Army revolver.

Bob Roberts leaped up from the deck, as if sent by a sling, made a dash at Ensign Long, swung him round, indulged in a kind of war dance indicative of triumph; then looked extremely ashamed of himself, and dashed off into the gun-room to spread the news that the doctor had saved Gray's life.

"Ay, but we feed the whole fleet at times, and have some excuse for being a little exacting harkee, Galleygo get a horse-cart, and push off at once, four or five miles further into the country; you might as well expect to find real pearls in fishes' eyes, as hope to pick up any thing nice among so many gun-room and cock-pit boys.

Now the old squire's favourite resort is the window-seat in the gun-room, because thence he can see a section of the highway, which, where it crosses the streamlet, comes within half a mile of the house. There the hollow and the lower wall permit any one at this window to obtain a view of the road on one of the sides of the valley.

I happen to know that the real thief came and went by the cliff under the terrace. If the frame was thrown into the gorse, there it " "Might stay for ages," Littimer exclaimed. "By Jove, I'm just in the mood to carry this business a stage or two farther before I go to bed. Bell, there are two or three cycle lamps in the gun-room. You used to be a pretty fearless climber.