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Updated: January 2, 2025

The steward had threatened to run, by swimming, more than once, and I believe had been detected in making such an attempt; and I fancied if I could get the body through one of the cabin-windows, it would seem as if he had been drowned in carrying his project into execution.

But, indeed, we had very imperfect glimpses of the hills along the latter part of the course, because the wind had grown so very cold that we took shelter below, and merely peeped at Loch Lomond's sublimities from the cabin-windows. The whole voyage up Loch Lomond is, I think, about thirty-two miles; but we landed at a place called Tarbet, much short of the ultimate point.

A volley of muskets had been fired from the cabin-windows, and every individual in two canoes that were passing at the time, to the number of eleven, were shot down like bullocks. Three were killed dead, and the remainder received wounds that promised to be mortal.

'Professor Grime has inadvertently tossed his half-crown out of one of the cabin-windows, and it has been arranged that the steward shall toss for him. Bets are offered on any side to any amount, but there are no takers. 'Professor Woodensconce has just called "woman;" but the coin having lodged in a beam, is a long time coming down again.

"He's going to cut the rope," I thought, and I tried to shout, but it was like being in a nightmare: my tongue felt paralysed, and as I hung there clinging wildly to the rope I heard voices on deck. "What is it? Trying to get out?" some one cried, and Bob Hampton said in answer "Dunno! Breaking glass." "Where? The cabin-windows?" "Yes."

Ominous were the fires which flashed in her large dark eyes, and powerful were the workings of those emotions which caused her heaving bosom to swell as if about to burst the bodice which confined it, when, retreating from the partition floor between the two saloons, and resuming her seat at the cabin-windows to permit the evening breeze to fan her fevered cheek, Nisida thought within herself, "It was indeed time that I should quit that accursed island, and return to Italy!"

Only a few minutes had elapsed, when I heard three or four knocks under the counter of the ship, which is that part of the stern immediately under the cabin-windows. In a minute or two they were distinctly repeated. I arose opened the cabin-window and called. The mate answered!

I was on my feet and dressing in an instant, as a matter of course, having first gone to the berths of the two other mates, and given each a call. "But how do you know this, Captain Marble?" I resumed, as soon as there was a chance. "I hear no disturbance, and the ship is just where we left her," glancing through the cabin-windows; "I think you must be mistaken, sir."

'My grandfather, said I. The captain's head went like a mechanical hammer, to express something indescribable. 'My grandfather, I continued, 'will pay you handsomely for any service you do to me and my friend. 'Now, that's not far off forgoing, said the captain, in a tone as much as to say we were bad all over. I saw the waters slide by his cabin-windows.

Hauled up to the tawny marsh were strange craft with sails of apple-green, rose, vermilion and sinister black; there were high sterns pierced by carved cabin-windows some of them iron-barred, to imprison ladies of high or low degree and unfortunate gentlemen who fought bravely to defend them.

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